

天琉 天琉
  • 明强 明强

    魔苟斯的指环:精灵宝钻后记,第一部分(中土世界的历史第十卷)morgoth's ring:the later silmarillion,part one(the h**tory of middle-earth-volume 10)the vanyar are the blessed elves,and the spear-elves,the elves of the air,the friends of the gods,the holy elves and the immortal,and the children of ingwe;they are the fair folkand the white.凡雅精灵是蒙福精灵,矛精灵,天空精灵,诸神之友,神圣精灵,不朽者,英格威的孩子们。他们是最美,最白皙的一族。(英格威是凡雅族西迁时的至高精灵王,也是所有精灵的最高精灵王)the noldor are the w**e,and the golden,the valiant,the sword-elves,the elves of the earth,the foes of melkor,the skilled of hand,the jewel-wrights,the companions of men,the followers of finwe.诺多精灵是智者,金发之民,英勇者,剑精灵,大地精灵,魔苟斯的敌人,巧手者,珠宝制作者,人类的同伴,芬威的跟随者(芬威是诺多族西迁时的至高精灵王,魔苟斯则是天魔王,索隆的前任boss)the teleri are the foam-riders,the singers of the shore,the free,and the swift,and the arrow-elves;they are the elves of the sea,the ship-wrights,the swanherds,the gatherers ofpearl,the blue elves,the people of olwe.贴勒瑞精灵泡沫骑士,海岸歌者,自由者,迅捷者,箭精灵;海精灵,造船者,天鹅牧者,珍珠采集者,蓝海精灵,欧尔威的族人。(欧尔威是贴勒瑞族西迁时的双王之一)the nandor are the host of dan,the wood-elves,the wanderers,the axe-elves,the green elves and the brown,the hidden people;and those that came at last to ossiriand are the elves of the seven rivers,the singers unseen,the kingless,the weaponless,and the lost folk,for they are now no more.南多精灵是浮标的主人,木精灵,漫游者,斧精灵,隐匿的民众;他们是最晚来到欧西瑞安(七河之地)的精灵,七河精灵,看不见的歌者,无王之民,缺乏装备之民,走失的族群。the sindar are the lemberi,the lingerers;they are the friends of osse,the elves of the twilight,the silvern,the enchanters,the wards of melian,the kindred of luthien,the people of elwe.辛达精灵是lemberi(这个什么意思我也不解)徘徊者,欧希的朋友,微光精灵,银一般的民众,令人着迷者,美丽安的保护对象,露西安的族人,埃尔威的民众。(埃尔威是欧尔威的大哥,次级神美丽安的丈夫,他的女儿露西安是古往今来最美丽的生灵,为**贡和阿雯的共同祖先;欧希是海神乌欧牟手下最重要的次级神)




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