

小书屋 小书屋
  • 暗中人 暗中人

    dear leader:
    i am very sorry that i h**e made a formal resignation to the company at th** time.
    came to the company has been nearly two years,in the past two years,the company has been a multi colleague's help,i am very grateful to the company colleagues.it was here that i had laughed,had tears,than the harvest.corporate equality and open-minded work style,once let me h**e to find a way to rely on the feeling,here i can happy work,happy learning.perhaps th** ** true,so i began to think,seriously thinking.
    but recently i feel that i am not fit for th** job,and i want to change the environment.i am also very clear that th** time to the company to resign from the company in their own ** a test of the occasion,the company's new project started,all the follow-up work in the company's top and bottom to push forward the next step.it ** also considering the company's future in the rationality of the arrangement,in line with the company responsible for the attitude,in order not to let the company due to the dec**ion-making errors caused by me,i solemnly submitted to the company to resign.
    i am thinking of le**ing the company within 4 to 2 weeks after the presentation,so that you will h**e time to find the right person to fill the vacancy caused by my departure,and i will be able to ass**t you in your new job training so that he can be familiar with the work as soon as possible.
    able to work for the company's day ** not much,i will be the best of my last class,do a good job of the work of the transition,and try to make the project to achieve a balanced transition.left the company,le**ing those who share the joys and sorrows of colleagues,very reluctant,reluctant leaders of the chun teachings and not colleagues of the sincere and friendly.
    in a short period of two years our company has had great changes,i am very sorry that i can not contribute to the company's brilliant tomorrow.i only w**h the company's performance soared!the company leadership and colleagues to work smoothly!rgds
    resign person:你的姓名
    2015 year 12month24 day
    20 年 月 日

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