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    in th** adaptation of the chr**tmas story narrated by charles dickens himself(played by gonzo the great)with the occasional commentary of rizzo the rat,it ** chr**tmas eve in 19th century london.the merriment ** not shared by ebenezer scrooge(michael caine),a surly money-lender who ** interested in profit than celebration.so cold to the season of giving ** he that h** book-keeping staff,including loyal employee bob cratchit(kermit the frog),has to plead with him just to h**e the day off work during chr**tmas by pointing out that scrooge would h**e no customers on the holiday and that it would waste coal to sit alone in the office.scrooge's nephew,fred,arrives to invite h** uncle to chr**tmas dinner and two gentlemen also come to scrooge's offices,collecting money in the spirit of the season.scrooge rebuffs h** nephew and complains that it **n't worth looking after the poor,as their deaths will decrease the surplus population.fred ** shocked at h** uncle's uncharitable and cold nature,but repeats h** invitation,makes h** own donation and departs.
    later that evening,scrooge finds himself face to face with the spirits of h** former business partners,jacob and robert marley(statler and waldorf)who h**e been condemned to shackles in the afterlife as payment for the horrible deeds they committed in life.they warn him that he will share the same fate,only worse,if he doesn't change h** ways,and foretell the coming of three spirits throughout the night.
    mr.scrooge ** first v**ited by the ghost of chr**tmas past,a child-like spectre who takes scrooge on a journey back through time to h** youth.he recalls h** early school days,during which he focused on h** studies;the meeting of a young woman named belle(meredith braun),with whom he would later fall in love;and the final parting between belle and scrooge,despite scrooge's protests that he would marry her as soon as he had enough money.later,scrooge meets the ghost of chr**tmas present,a large,festive creature with a booming voice who lives only for the here and now.he gives scrooge a glimpse into the holiday celebration of others,including bob cratchit and h** family who,although poor,are enjoying chr**tmas together and reveling in the anticipation of the chr**tmas goose.the spirit also shows scrooge's own family,who aren't above cracking jokes at scrooge's expense.later,scrooge meets the ghost of chr**tmas yet to come,a silent entity,who reveals the chilling revelation that young tiny tim(robin the frog)will not survive the coming year,thanks in no small part to the impover**hed ex**tence of the cratchit family.furthermore,it ** revealed that when scrooge's own time has passed,others will certainly delight in h** absence from the world,with local businessmen attending h** funeral only for the free food and scrooge's servants stealing the very clothes he was to h**e been buried in.it ** th** final epiphany that jolts scrooge back into humanity,and makes him vow to celebrate with h** fellow man.scrooge goes about the town spreading good deeds and charity,plans a feast for bob cratchit and h** kin,and learns to adopt the spirit of chr**tmas throughout the year.

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