王者荣耀马可波罗怎么打野 马可波罗打野攻略


成长。 成长。
  • 诗酒趁年华 诗酒趁年华

    feel the d**tance,d**tance
    out of reach
    welcome to the end
    watch your step,cassandra
    you may fall
    as i've stumbled on the field
    s**ter mine
    death's a certain thing
    find myself in darkest places
    find myself drifting away
    and the other world
    the other world appears
    find myself she dies in vain
    i cannot be freed
    i'm falling down
    as time runs faster
    moves towards d**aster
    the ferryman will wait for you
    my dear
    and then there was silence
    just a voice from other world
    like a leaf in an icy world
    memories will fade
    m**ty tales and poems lost
    all the bl**s and beauty will be gone
    will my weary soul find release for a while
    at the moment of death i will smile
    it's the triumph of shame and d**ease
    in the end iliad
    ra**e my hands and pra**e the day
    break the spell show me the way
    in decay
    the flame of troy will shine bright
    the newborn child will carry ruin to the hall
    the newborn's death would be a blessing to us all
    good choice?bad choice?out of there
    you've chosen m**ery
    power and w**dom
    you deny
    bad choice
    war ** the only answer
    when love will conquer fear
    so the judgement's been made to the fairest
    the graceful says badly he fails
    fear the heat of passion,father king
    don't let him in
    don't let her in
    death they'll bring
    we can't get out
    once they are in
    she's like the sunr**e
    outshines the moon at night
    precious like starlight
    she will bring in a murderous price
    in darkness grows the seed of man's defeat
    i can clearly see the end now
    i can clearly see the end now
    i can clearly see the end now
    the thread of life ** spun
    the coin's been placed below my tongue
    never give up
    never give in
    be on our side
    so we can win
    never give up
    never give in
    be on our side
    old moon's time ** soon to come
    nowhere to run
    nowhere to hide
    nothing to lose
    like one we'll stand
    we'll face the storm
    created by a man
    roar roar roar roar
    troy troy troy troy
    and as the lion
    slaughters man
    i am the wolf
    and you're the lamb
    hallowed troy will fall
    round the walls
    faith ** shattered bodies fall
    nowhere to run
    nowhere to hide
    nothing to lose
    like one we'll stand
    it's all for one and one for all
    we live for will be wiped out
    i feel that something's wrong
    surpr**e,surpr**e they're gone
    full moon your time goes by
    and new moon's still kept our of sight
    we live we die
    m**ty tales and poems lost
    all the bl**s and beauty will be gone
    will my weary soul find release for a while
    at the moment of death i will smile
    it's the triumph of shame and d**ease
    in the end iliad
    ra**e my hands and pra**e the day
    break the spell show me the way
    in decay
    the flame of troy will shine bright
    roam in darkness
    spread the v**ion
    we will be lost if you truly believe
    troy in darkness
    there's a cold emptiness in our hearts
    that they've gone away
    and won't come back
    they'll tear down the wall to bring it in
    they'll truly believe in the lie,lie,lie
    with blossoms they'll welcome
    the old foe
    the v**ion's so clear
    when day and dream unite
    the end ** near
    you better be prepared
    the nightmare shall be over now
    there's nothing to fear
    come join in our singing
    and dance with us now
    the nightmare shall be over now
    there's nothing to fear
    the war it ** over forevermore
    no hope
    the blind leads the blind
    carry on
    though future's denied
    mare or stallion
    there's far inside
    we are in at the kill we'll cheerfully die
    m**ty tales and poems lost
    all the bl**s and beauty will be gone
    will my weary soul find release for a while
    at the moment of death i will smile
    it's the triumph of shame and d**ease
    in the end iliad
    ra**e my hands and pra**e the day
    break the spell show me the way
    in decay
    the flame of troy will shine bright
    holy light shines on
    so the judgement's been made
    we're condemned though the trial's far ahead
    the crack of doom
    your handsome son ** heading home
    heading home
    still the wind blows
    calm and silent
    carries news from a d**tant shore
    out of mind
    can't get it




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