甜蜜的情歌 适合唱给女朋友的

曹小也 曹小也
  • 若雪 若雪

    《boffo!tinseltown's bombs and blockbusters》(2006).moses(archive footage)(uncredited)
    《i love the '70s:volume 2》(2006).himself(archive footage)
    《sam peckinpah's west:legacy of a hollywood renegade》(2004).himself(archive footage)
    《101 most unforgettable snl moments》(2004).himself(archive footage)
    《rated 'r':republicans in hollywood》(2004).himself(archive footage)
    《cecil b.demille:american epic》(2004).himself/interviewee
    《gengh** khan》(2004).togrul
    《sex at 24 frames per second》(2003).himself(archive footage)
    《lasting love》(2003).himself
    《the thief of bagdad》(2003).texan empire-builder(archive footage)
    《my father,rua alguem 5555》(2003).hermann's father
    《宾虚ben hur》(2003).ben hur(voice)
    《images of indians:how hollywood stereotyped the native american》(2003).himself/ed bannon(from arrowhead(1953))(archive footage)(uncredited)
    《**文化/科伦拜恩的保龄/科伦拜校园事件/美国黐gun档案 bowling for columbine》(2002).himself,actor/nra president
    《the face of evil:reinhard heydrich》(2002).narrator
    《2002 abc world stunt awards》(2002).himself-presenter(uncredited)
    《决战猩球planet of the apes》(2001).zaius(thade's father)(uncredited)
    《猫狗大战 cats&dogs》(2001).the mastiff(voice)
    《**追缉令/圣经勇士:密杀指令 the order》(2001).professor finley
    《爱情宣言 town&country》(2001).eugenie's father
    《美国影史百部佳片 afi's 100 years,100 thrills:america's most heart-pounding movies》(2001).himself
    《last party 2000》(2001).himself(uncredited)
    《rescued from the closet》(2001).special thanks
    《the making of 'midway'》(2001).himself
    《eco challenge:us armed forces championship》(2001).narrator
    《intimate portrait:shirley jones》(2001).himself
    《larry and vivien:the oliviers in love》(2001).himself
    《the gun deadlock》(2001).himself
    《he walks in beauty:the george stevens production 'the greatest story ever told'》(2001).himself-actor(archive footage)
    《biography jennifer jones:portrait of a lady》(2001).himself-actor
    《72nd annual academy awards pre-show》(2000).himself(archive footage)(uncredited)
    《hollywood at your feet:the story of the chinese theatre footprints》(2000).himself
    《挑战星期天/再战星期天/任何一个星期天 any given sunday》(1999).comm**sioner
    《gideon》(1999).add**on sinclair
    《永远的好莱坞 forever hollywood》(1999).himself
    《the best of film noir》(1999).himself
    《camino de santiago》(1999).professor marcelo rinaldi
    《the 20th century:yesterday's tomorrows》(1999).himself
    《a&e biography:sophia loren-actress italian style》(1999).himself
    《世界末日/绝世天劫 armageddon》(1998).narrator(voice)
    《第70届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 70th annual academy awards,the》(1998).himself(past oscar winner tribute sequence)
    《一百年一百部 afi's 100 years.100 movies》(1998).himself
    《behind the planet of the apes》(1998).himself(uncredited)
    《off the menu:the last days of chasen's》(1997).himself(uncredited)
    《**斯加:荒野的精神 alaska:spirit of the wild》(1997).narrator(voice)
    《大力士 hercules》(1997).narrator(voice)
    《大力士 hercules》(1997).singer:long ago
    《哈姆雷特 hamlet》(1996).player king
    《雪地迷踪 alaska》(1996).colin perry the poacher
    《复仇天使 **enging angel,the》(1995).brigham young
    《战栗黑洞 in the mouth of madness》(1995).jackson harglow
    《真实的谎言/魔鬼大帝:真实的谎言/真实谎言 true lies》(1994).spencer trilby(uncredited)
    《世纪电影 century of cinema,a》(1994).himself
    《the bible according to hollywood》(1994).himself
    《反斗智多星2 wayne's world 2》(1993).good actor
    《crash landing:the rescue of flight 232》(1992).captain al haynes
    《福尔摩斯探案 crucifer of blood,the》(1991).sherlock holmes
    《金银岛 treasure **land》(1990).long john silver
    《宛如天使 almost an angel》(1990).moses(uncredited)
    《solar cr****》(1990).admiral 'skeet' kelso
    《man for all seasons,a》(1988).sir thomas chancellor of england
    《man for all seasons,a》(1988).
    《directed by william wyler》(1986).himself
    《the colbys》(1985).jason colby/.(49 ep**odes,1985-1987)
    《chiefs》(1983).hugh holmes
    《mother lode》(1982).
    《mother lode》(1982).silas mcgee/ian mcgee
    《天遣 awakening,the》(1980).matthew corbeck
    《野岭传奇 mountain men,the》(1980).bill tyler
    《王子与乞丐 crossed swords》(1978).king henry viii
    《死亡潜航 gray lady down》(1978).capt.paul blanchard
    《中途岛之战 midway》(1976).capt.matthew garth
    《两分钟警告 two minute warning》(1976).capt.peter holly
    《生死斗 last hard men,the》(1976).sam burgarde
    《生死剑侠 four musketeers,the》(1974).cardinal richelieu
    《75** airport 1975》(1974).alan murdock
    《大地震 earthquake》(1974).stewart graff
    《超世纪谍杀案soylent green》(1973).detective robert thorn
    《豪情三剑客 three musketeers,the》(1973).cardinal richelieu
    《野性的呼唤call of the wild》(1972).john thornton
    《劫机 skyjacked》(1972).capt.henry 'hank' o'hara
    《antony and cleopatra》(1972).
    《antony and cleopatra》(1972).marc antony
    《最后一个人omega man,the》(1971).robert neville
    《恺撒大帝julius caesar》(1970).marc antony
    《鹏程万里锦山河 hawaiians,the》(1970).whipple 'whip' hoxworth《奇幻大战争 beneath the planet of the apes》(1970).taylor
    《第一号 number one》(1969).ron(cat)catlan
    《counterpoint》(1968).lionel evans
    《五狱英雄 will penny》(1968).will penny
    《人猿世界planet of the apes》(1968).george taylor
    《沙漠**会 khartoum》(1966).gen.charles 'chinese' gordon
    《万世千秋 agony and the ecstasy,the》(1965).michelangelo
    《战神 war lord,the》(1965).chrysagon
    《万世流芳 greatest story ever told,the》(1965).john the bapt**t
    《邓迪少校 major dundee》(1965).maj.amos dundee
    《**了无痕 diamond head》(1963).richard 'king' howland
    《北京五十五日 55 days at peking》(1963).maj.matt lew**
    《pigeon that took rome,the》(1962).captain paul macdougall/benny the snatch/narrator
    《万世英雄el cid》(1961).el cid(rodrigo díaz de vivar)
    《宾虚/宾汉/宾虚传 ben-hur》(1959).judah ben-hur
    《怒海争雄wreck of the mary deare,the》(1959).john sands
    《历劫佳人/狂野生死恋/历劫名花 touch of evil》(1958).ramon miguel 'mike' vargas
    《大海贼 buccaneer,the》(1958).gen.andrew jackson
    《锦绣大地 big country,the》(1958).steve leech
    《three violent people》(1957).colt saunders
    《十诫 ten commandments,the》(1956).moses
    《水火鸳鸯 lucy gallant》(1955).casey cole
    《far horizons,the》(1955).william clark
    《private war of major benson,the》(1955).maj.bernard 'barney' benson
    《secret of the incas,the》(1954).harry steele
    《蚂蚁雄兵 naked jungle,the》(1954).chr**topher leiningen
    《旷场**案 bad for each other》(1953).dr.tom owen
    《president's lady,the》(1953).president andrew jackson
    《pony express》(1953).william f.'buffalo bill' cody
    《喋血丹盟arrowhead》(1953).ed bannon
    《ruby gentry》(1952).boake tackman
    《戏王之王 greatest show on earth,the》(1952).marc braden
    《julius caesar》(1950).antony
    《危机四伏 dark city》(1950).danny haley
    《studio one》(1948).edward rochester/.(12 ep**odes,1949-1952)




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