

咕咕 咕咕
  • 裕庆 裕庆

    歌手:alex lloyd
    ll cool j-amazin'
    (feat.kandice love)
    c'mon,and you don't stop(here go another one)
    uhh,uhh,and you don't stop(here go another one)
    uhh,uhh,and you don't stop(here go another one)
    (feel me baby,it's on)
    uhh,i was launched off the block,straight to the top
    to yachts with helicopters,i'm so hot
    paparazzi,blinded by the rocks
    my limousine roll up,the whole world shocked cause
    you steppin out with an entrepeneur
    i copped you than what you bargained for
    roll the red carpet,enjoy the profits
    first,let's make love in the walk-in closet
    daddy just made a nine digit deposit
    believe me sweetie,it's not luck it's logic
    i'm the captain of my destiny
    used to dream of the things i was blessed to see
    the jewels and the **s,sports cars and such
    there's nothing in the world ll can't touch
    you stood by my side and pushed me so much
    that's why you got them 10 karats,you know what?it's so amazing,amazing,amazing
    life's given my baby,my baby,my baby
    maybe some day you'll feel,how i feel,it's crazy
    to see my baby.** so amazing
    sing it baby
    i've got riches wall to wall
    up the stairs and,down the hall of
    all the things that we h**e done
    you got ideas for us to
    live our lives.and explore.
    there ** no topping you,you're untoppable
    it's so amazing,your love,to me
    it's so amazing,amazing,to me
    it's so amazing,your love,to me
    it's so amazing,amazing,to me
    it's alright.
    sometimes you work late at night(i know baby)
    (i m**s you too)
    just as long,as you don't defy my love
    then it's on(i prom**e you baby)
    (i'll always love you)
    uh,uh,slide out to venice,my game's in order
    would chip in to vent,but the city's on water
    searchlights and fireworks bling the sky
    a vowel on the end of everything we buy
    yellow ice in both ears,i loosen up the tie
    i'm lovin th** lifestyle,baby i can't lie
    it feels so good it make a grown man cry
    cause i made it out the hood and a lot of my crew died
    i guess i had determination
    and baby girl kept me in the congregation
    now it's private jets and deep conversation
    hundred g's a month to show appreciation
    all eyes on us,the cameras flash
    in god we trust,i don't love th** cash
    but you was definitely-by my side when my world collapsed
    now i'm,rich for life and i'm payin you back
    it's so amazing,amazing,amazing
    it's so amazing
    it's so amazing
    it's so amazing
    th** ** like th** for life baby
    th** gon' always be like th**
    god ** my witness
    hold you tight for the rest of my life
    yknahmsayin?there's nothing i won't do for you baby
    i'm your man,i'm your man
    our love ** amazing,yeah

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    这没什么什么好比的,档次差距很骨感。萧峰第一档 是无争议的,金庸笔下的最完美战神。第二档是西狂杨过与北侠郭靖,侠之大者天赋不高但是持久战开双手互搏可以胜西狂。最...

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    飞狐外传 雪山飞狐射雕英雄传 神雕侠侣 倚天屠龙记白马啸西风 碧血剑 连城诀 鹿鼎记 书剑恩仇录 天龙八部笑傲江湖 侠客行 越女剑 鸳鸯刀 射雕英雄传(旧)古龙




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