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爱玩绒线球的猫 爱玩绒线球的猫
  • 蓝湛玩捉迷藏嘛 蓝湛玩捉迷藏嘛

    rainbow colors by sharon macdonald
    a rainbow of colors,
    in the light,after rain.
    there are seven of them,
    and,each one has a name.
    red ** the first
    rainbow color in the sky.
    orange ** next
    like jack-o-lantern pie.
    yellow ** the third,
    lemons come to mind.
    color four ** green,
    think of grassy hills to climb
    blue ** color five,
    like the water in a lake
    the sixth ** indigo
    blue-gray blends that you can make.
    violet ** the color
    of the last rainbow band.
    violet ** flowery;like the pedals in your hand.
    so,w**e your arms above you
    cast your colors high
    and,try to make a rainbow
    across a cloudy sky
    angels of seven colors
    the color of michael ** a beautiful blue
    spirituality ** what he knew.
    he passes th** on to those who are worthy
    a blue aura surrounds them so pretty.
    the yellow angel named jophiel
    know for her w**dom as all ** well.
    sharing her lessons while we sleep
    dreaming away learning our souls so very deep.
    the beautiful pink angel chamuel
    ** as valuable as a precious jewel.
    bringing love together
    to stay with one another forever.
    enters the white angel gabriel
    who has so much of life to tell.
    he ** the angel of revelation
    teaching us the ways of god's celebration.
    raphel ** the angel of healing
    softest color of green earth dealing.
    he heals the wounds in your soul
    making them whole once again.
    angel uriel ** a sharp red
    carrying around such energy all ** said.
    full of w**dom,shines so bright
    my red angel what a sight.
    finally we come to our angel of mercy
    our angel of purple
    always searching for those hurtful.
    he will lift you up and dry your tears
    with him around no longer must you fear.
    seven angels of seven colors.
    like h**ing seven brothers.
    feel their protection surrounding you
    and tonight at bed take the one you need with you.
    debbie wagoner
    blue energy stones
    blue ** the color of d**tance-oceans,skies,the he**ens.the energy of blue helps us to look beyond the immediate environment,expanding our perceptions towards the unknown.
    blue ** the color of divinity.it brings:
    peace and understanding
    enhances the easy flow of communication with yourself or others
    calms and relaxes
    yellow energy stones
    yellow ** naturally associated with the sun itself,and so with its life giving and sustaining energy.
    yellow enriches,lightens and activates many of the systems of the body.it's bright sunny energy brings about:
    clarity of thought
    memory improvement
    better dec**ion making skills
    alleviates confusion
    red energy stones
    red ** the color with the longest w**elength,being the nearest v**ible light to infrared in theelectromagnetic spectrum.
    we feel in red-activity.the red ray furn**hes sustenance for the physical body.it brings about:
    interest and passion
    when blue ** in harmony with yellow and red,there ** peace and balance in body and mind.from th** trinity of primary colors emanate the secondary colors.
    orange=creative energy
    orange energy stones
    orange combines red and yellow.it contains the fiery energy of red with the w**dom and control of yellow.orange ** a dynamic energy like red but thoughtful and controlled.
    orange brings about:
    exploration on a practical level
    relief from boredom
    green energy stones
    green ** the merging of yellow(mind)and blue(spirit).it ** located exactly at the point of color balance-midway between red and violet on the color spectrum.
    the human eye ** able to recognize variation in the color green than in any other color.
    its energy contains:
    growth and expansion
    indigo energy stones
    indigo amplifies the energy of blue in a profound way.at a physical level,while blue ** calming,indigo ** sedating.it deepens and turns blue energy inward.
    the indigo ray symbolizes the bridge between the finite and the infinite and opens the door to the mystical borderland.
    while blue energy ** fast,indigo energy ** often lightening fast.
    opens the subconscious
    spiritual attainment
    sudden awareness
    psychic abilities
    violet=highest element of spiritual mastery
    violet energy stones
    violet ** the ray of spiritual mastery.it ** the highest and most subtle specialization of light,being at the opposite end of the color spectrum to red.
    it should be viewed as both a completion as well as a beginning of the energy vibration beyond the v**ible color spectrum.
    violet ** a combination of both red and blue and th** ** key to understanding th** color.it brings a stabilizing energy to the franticness of red.it lends practicality to the undirected spaciousness of blue.
    darker tones are associated with sorrow
    deep purple signifies high spiritual attainment
    pale lilac brings love for humanity
    blu**h purple brings ideal**m
    sparks the imagination and inspiration
    integrates other energies for healing purposes




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