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    krauthammer,a syndicated column**t and former psychiatr**t,has won numerous awards for h** writings,including a national magazine award and the 1987 pulitzer for d**tingu**hed commentary.a supporter of the project for the new american century's campaign pushing for war with iraq,krauthammer's op-eds regularly berate liberals and democrats,champion intervention in the middle east,and defend the neoconservative agenda.
    in an august 2003 washington post column,for example,krauthammer defended the presidential nomination of neocon daniel pipes to the u.s.institute for peace,which was he**ily criticized by members of congress and many observers because of pipe's hardline stance on the middle east and controversial take on **lam.for krauthammer,however,the"attack on pipes"was nothing but"another symptom of the absurd political correctness surrounding **lamic radical**m."he continued:"we are all supposed to pretend that we h**e equal suspicions of terror**t intent and thus must give equal scrutiny to a 70-year-old ir**h nun,a 50-year-old jew**h seminarian,and a 30-year-old man from saudi arabia.your daughter ** on that plane:to whom do you want the security guards to give their attention?president bush ** considering bypassing the senate and giving pipes a recess appointment while congress ** out of town.for bush,th** would be an act of character**tic principle and courage.the problem,however,** that such an act makes the appointment look furtive.worse,it lets the mccarthyites off too easy."(7)
    here's what pipes had to say about the war in iraq:"wmd was never the basic reason for war.nor was it the horrid repression in iraq.or the danger saddam posed to h** nei**ors.the campaign in iraq ** about keeping prom**es to the united states or paying the consequences."(8)sounds like an ideal candidate for an institute presumably devoted to peace.

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