
西卡 西卡
  • 1扔胀lT 1扔胀lT

    the hornet"snap"shot-good story.happened here at langley.it was a stock,combat configured f-22 flying a bfm(dogfighting)sortie against an airshow configured,i.e.squeeky clean,not combat configured or loaded,super hornet(not at all representative of how it performs with 8 pylons,an ea pod and 4-6 or m**siles hanging off the rails and probably a fuel tank or two or their out of gas real quick.).it started from a 9000 foot line abreast 300 knot setup(which af pilots never fly)where they turned into each other at the"fights on"call.it's not a scenario we fly because we never find ourselves in those parameters,we try to set up real**tic parameters we expect to see in combat-otherw**e the lessons learned aren't applicable and while it might be fun it's not a good use of scarce training time(i don't know if that's a setup the n**y flies or it might just h**e been a quick attempt to get a last engagement in if they were low on gas-i don't h**e that **).the hornet pilot g**e up everything he had to point at the raptor and take a snap shot-it was not a tracking shot(stabilized and enough bullets to cause a kill),it was about 2 or 3 frames(many required to cause a kill-ok-for you skeptics there's always the golden bb but let me fin**h first.).the af pilot honored the training rules we're all supposed to abide by,they've been written in blood because pilots h**e been killed in these scenarios so our training rules look to prevent those scenarios by causing guys to quit manuevering for the shot to prevent a mid-air coll**ion.with greater than a 135 aspect angle and inside of 9000 feet we're supposed to **oid pure or lead pursuit to **oid that head on coll**ion,inside that range at our tactical speeds there's not enough time to react to prevent a coll**ion once you realize it's going to happen.the n**y pilot completely blew off that rule,the af pilot honored it,the n**y pilot pulled lead pursuit all the way into the high aspect(greater than the 135 degree gun shot rule)snap shot,the af pilot lagged off to prevent the mid-air coll**ion potential,the n**y pilot was still on the trigger inside the 1000 foot rule(we're supposed to **oid getting inside of 1000 feet from each other to also help prevent mid-air coll**ions),attempting to get the snap shot,he's inside the 1000 foot range with the trigger on,flies within about 200 feet of the raptor(remember who's backed off to honor the training rules),and dang near kills himself and the raptor pilot and causing what would h**e been one of the worst fighter to fighter d**asters in recorded h**tory.i've had that happen twice to me when i was flying the eagle as a weapons officer(close enough to hear very loud engine no**e and i figured i was dead both times,but god wasn't ready to take me yet),and both times i knocked off the fight,made the guy fly home,busted him on the ride and he had to explain to me and the boss why he was being stupid.that ** the only gun shot video i h**e ever heard of or seen from any hornet engagement,ever.and it was a hugely b.s.and completely boneheaded act as you can see from the actual circumstances.in the real world-the hornet never saw the raptor and he was dead w/o ever knowing what hit him-that's the cold hard truth,like it or not-sorry if you're a hornet fan but that's how all of our engagements with hornets,tomcats,eagles,vipers,etc.h**e gone.you would be amused if i had time to tell you how the hundreds of engagements went i've had with aircraft of all types,the biggest problem we h**e now ** getting anyone to fly with us because they get no training,they never see us and they just die.unless we prom**e to do some within v**ual range manuevering with them where we start and can see each other at the start,no one(n**y or af)wants to fly vs.the raptor anymore-that alone ought to tell you what the truth **.
    贴这个东西的人是lt.col michael"dozer"shower,飞f-22(但不是这架),换句话说是空军的。这当然也就是空军观点的说法,不免主观,但是还是值得一看。首先这个看起来还是1v1。第二f-22似乎是满内部挂载,ea-18g是净形,如果根据这个说法的话。f-22的话,满内部载荷也没有什么影响,无非是重量上多1吨而已。而这个是ea-18g,现实中虽然油箱武器在近战的时候可以扔,干扰吊舱却是不能扔的。重量和阻力比实际要低是无误的。像这里也提到了aspect angle很大而且这里ea-18g为了瞄准一回而进行lead pursuit,空中碰撞的可能性是有的。尤其最后距离也相当的近,就规章角度是不应该的。重要的是,这个以这个aspect angle,这基本上只有几帧的时间,想要抓住太困难了,加上m61的spool up还要时间。更重要的是如果这么冒险一回要是没抓住怎么办。以hud上能看出现在ea-18g只有179海里的空速,攻角有20.3度,高度上f-22也比它高。虽然凭f-18可以瞬间把机头搬过去不过相当时间内都会动弹不得。这个高度上空气也开始变稀了,和有推力偏向的f-22劣势还要加倍。拼出性命玩这一手其实并不说明什么问题。最重要的是,ea-18g已经把固定机炮拆掉了.翼尖也已经被占用了,所以近距离的缠斗基本上是不可能看到的。

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