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  • 一把懒散的太阳 一把懒散的太阳

    the four tragedies of shakespeare,including"hamlet,""othello","king","mike white",the story ** taken from the european h**torical legends.
    莎士比亚四大悲剧,包括《哈姆雷特》、《奥赛罗》、《李尔王》、《麦克白》,故事均取自欧洲的历史传说。hamlet ** referred to as hamlet,also known as the prince's revenge,william shakespeare's famous tragedies,** shakespeare 's most famous plays,in"hamlet",revenge story of love hate feeling sorrow.
    哈姆雷特简称hamlet,又名王子复仇记,威廉·莎士比亚的著名悲剧之一,是莎士比亚最负盛名的剧本,在《哈姆雷特》中,复仇的故事中交织着爱恨情愁。othello"** to the end of the fif**th century cyprus **land as the stage.the protagon**t otero ** a black moor,as the venice army commander.he was l**tening to h** words,killing the beautiful chaste wife da**y de mona.to understand the truth of the matter after the intersection,remorse,finally from the knife,follow wife in spring of.




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