

天啦噜 天啦噜
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    the main theme of the story ** a description of the happiness in a poor family.despite the lack of wealth,they still manage to deceive themselves with an idealized spirit.the father bought a gift for the girl which makes her feel so happy;but she has lost th** cher**hed gift,probably the only music box in the world and she feels so m**erable.the music box in the story may be an insignificant felicity of the girl;but when you h**e lost something important,how do you feel?we must seriously contemplate what ** precious in our lives,and it may not be recovered once it ** lost.
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    what ** the most hard-earned,happy and delightful thing?the most regrettable and sad thing?the most delightful thing ** that you h**e friends,family or special thing given by loved one which has great significance.the most regrettable and sad thing ** to lose your most precious thing,probably the one and only in th** world which cannot be found in anywhere else.the author tells the story with symbol**m;i reckon the music box in the story has great significance,it represents a true heart and it can also represent the love of a father.when the girl loses her precious music box,she ** so d**tressed and unable to accept th** fact(quote:….),because she feels she has lost the love of her father,as well as the true heart.not until she has recovered the broken music box from the trash can does she regain the final hope,which means that all ** not lost.
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    in th** world,you never really know what ** true and what ** false.when you obtain somethingeasily,you may lose it easily too.
    the characterization and plot created by the author ** particularly special and impressive.the girl in the story,bekey,** a naive,simple,romantic and lovely girl.she loves her father deeply;as her father speaks french during h** work in par**,so she strives to learn french in order to communicate with her father in french.when her father gives her a beautiful music box as a present,she ** overwhelmed with joy because it was bought in par**.she loves and cher**hes it very much.but the next day when her mother tells her that the music box ** damaged,the blow she receives and her grief makes her refuse to accept the fact and refuse to go to school.the author portrays the mother as an irresponsible person,she always lives in her own world,prefers to sit at the dinning table,smoking and pondering solitarily.if she would allow her daughter to keep custody of the music box,th** unhappy incident may not happen.
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    what are the facts?you will never find the truth for the answers you see are like riddles.what really important ** to seize the moment because you don’t know when you will lose the things that you cher**h,
    the dialogues in the story created by the author are very whirling and mystical.when the girl asks her mother where the music box **,the mother repeatedly tells her the music box has been damaged.the depressed girl refuses to accept the answer and keeps on asking until the damaged music box ** found in the trash can.what ** really puzzling ** what had happened to the music box and who had damaged it.regrettably,the author does not provide the answer;obviously,he wants to le**e it to our imagination.the author describes the girl’s excitement and delight in receiving the gift from her father and she plays with it cher**hingly.as she loves the music box so much that when she cannot find it,she cries so bitterly and feels so upset.
    we don’t know what has happened to the music box,but we learn from the story that we should cher**h what we h**e at the moment;because we may lose it in the next instance,and it ** painful to lose something precious;something that may notbe recovered or bought,and it’s gone forever.
    for example,you h**e an important friend,but due to your busy schedule,you never spare your time to be with him.until one day,he passes away in an accident,only then you feel remorse and sad,regretting you h**e not cher**hed the time you had shared with him.

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