暗黑黎明新职业刺客好玩吗 暗黑黎明新职业刺客厉害吗

cecilia cecilia
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    in the story a donkey,a dog,a cat,and a rooster,all past their prime years in life and usefulness on their respective farms,were soon to be d**carded or m**treated by their masters.one by one they le**e their homes and set out together.they decide to go to bremen,known for its freedom,to live without owners and become musicians there.("something better than death we can find anywhere.")
    on the way to bremen,they see a lighted cottage;they look inside and see four robbers enjoying their ill-gotten gains.standing on each other's backs,they decide to perform for the men in hope of gaining food.their 'music' has an unanticipated effect;the men run for their lives,not knowing what the strange sound **.the animals take possession of the house,eat a good meal,and settle in for the evening.
    later that night,the robbers return and send one of their members in to investigate.he sees the cat's eyes shining in the darkness and thinks he ** seeing the coals of the fire.he reaches over to light h** candle.things happen in quick succession;the cat scratches h** face with her claws,the dog bites him on the leg,the donkey kicks him with h** hooves,and the rooster crows and chases him out the door,screaming.he tells h** companions that he was beset by a horrible witch who scratched him with her long fingernails(the cat),an ogre with a knife(the dog),a giant who had hit him with h** club(the donkey),and worst of all,the judge who screamed in h** voice from the rooftop(the rooster).the robbers abandon the cottage to the strange creatures who h**e taken it,where the animals live happily for the rest of their days.
    an alternate version involves the animals' master(s)being deprived of h** livelihood(because the thieves stole h** money and/or destroyed h** farm or mill)and h**ing to send h** animals away,unable to take care of them any further.after the animals d**patch the thieves,they take the ill-gotten gains back to their master so he can rebuild.other versions involve at least one wild,non-livestock animal,such as a lizard,helping the domestic animals out in d**patching the thieves.
    there once was a man who had a donkey that had carried the grain sacks to the mill tirelessly for many long years.but h** strength was failing and he was growing and unfit for work.so h** master began to consider getting rid of him.but the donkey,who became aware that h** master had something evil in mind,ran away and set out on the road to bremen.there he thought he could surely become a town musician.
    after he had walked for a while,he found a hunting hound lying on the road,howling pitifully."why are you howling so,old fellow,"asked the donkey.
    ah,"replied the hound,"because i am old and grow weaker each day,and can no longer hunt,my master wanted to shoot me dead.so i fled.but how am i supposed to earn my bread now?you know what,"said the donkey,"i am going to bremen and shall become town musician there.come with me and engage yourself as a musician as well.i will play the lute and you shall beat the kettledrum.
    the hound agreed,and they went on together.it wasn't long before they saw a cat sitting on the path,with a face like three rainy days."now then,old wh**kers,what has gone wrong for you,"asked the donkey.
    who can be merry when h** neck ** at r**k,"answered the cat."because i am old now,my teeth are dull,and i prefer to sit by the fire and spin rather than chase after mice,my m**tress wanted to drown me.however,i did manage to sneak away.but it's hard to know what to do.where am i to go now?go with us to bremen.you know something about night music.you can become a town musician there.
    the cat thought that was a good idea and went with them.as the three went on together,they passed by a farm,where the rooster was sitting on the gate crowing with all h** might.
    your crowing pierces right through to the marrow,"said the donkey."what's on your mind?the lady of the house has ordered the cook to chop off my head th** evening.tomorrow,on sunday,company ** coming and they want to eat me in the soup.now i am crowing at the top of my lungs while still i can.
    oh come on!said the donkey."why don't you come away with us.we are going to bremen.you can find something better than death everywhere.you h**e a good voice,and when we make music together it will sound magnificant."the rooster liked the suggestion and the four went on together.
    they could not reach the town of bremen in one day,however,and that evening they came to a forest where they wanted to spend the night.the donkey and the hound laid themselves down under a large tree,the cat climbed onto a branch,and the rooster flew up to the top of the tree,where it was safest for him.
    before he went to sleep he looked around in all four directions.then he saw a light shining.so he told h** companions that there must be a house nearby,for he saw a light.the donkey replied,"then let's get up and go over there,for the acommodations here are poor."the hound thought that a few bones with some meat on them would do him good,too.
    so they made their way to the place where the light was,and soon saw it shine brighter and grow larger,until they came to a well-lighted robbers house.the donkey,as the tallest,went to the window and looked in.
    what do you see,my grey steed?asked the rooster.
    what do i see?answered the donkey."a table covered with good things to eat and drink,and robbers sitting at it enjoying themselves.
    that would be the sort of thing for us,"said the rooster.
    then the animals considered how they might manage to drive the robbers away.at last they thought of a way.the donkey was to place himself with h** forefeet upon the window,the hound was to jump on the donkey's back,the cat was to climb upon the dog,and lastly the rooster was to fly up and perch upon the cat's head.when th** was done,at a given signal,they began to perform their music together.the donkey brayed,the hound barked,the cat mewed,and the rooster crowed.then they burst through the window into the room,with the tinkling of glass panes.
    at th** horrible shrieking,the robbers sprang up,thinking a ghost was coming in,and fled in a great fright out into the forest.
    the four companions then sat down at the table,each eating to h** heart's content the d**hes that tasted best to him.
    when they were done,they put out the light and each sought out a sleeping place according to h** own taste.the donkey laid himself down in the manure,the hound behind the door,the cat upon the hearth near the warm ashes,and the rooster perched himself on the roof.and being tired from their long walk,they soon went to sleep.
    when it was past midnight,and the robbers saw from afar that the light was no longer burning in their house,and all appeared quiet,the captain said,"we really ought not to h**e let ourselves be scared off like that."he sent one of the robbers back to check if anyone was still in the house.
    the robber found everything quiet.he went into the kitchen to light a candle,and,taking the fiery eyes of the cat for live coals,he held a match to them to light it.but the cat did not understand the joke,and flew in h** face,spitting and scratching.he was dreadfully frightened,and ran to the back door,but the dog,who lay there sprang up and bit h** leg.and as he ran across the yard by the dungheap,the donkey g**e him a smart kick with h** hind foot.the rooster,too,who had been awakened by the no**e,cried down from the roof,"cock-a-doodle-doo.
    then the robber ran back as fast as he could to h** captain,and said,"oh,there ** a horrible witch sitting in the house,who spat on me and scratched my face with her long claws.and by the door there's a man with a knife,who stabbed me in the leg.and in the yard there lies a black monster,who beat me with a wooden club.and above,upon the roof,sits the judge,who called out,bring the rogue here to me.so i got away as fast as i could.
    after th** the robbers never again dared enter the house.but it suited the four musicians of bremen so well that they did not care to le**e it any

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