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    essential facts:
    born:30 november 1874(blenheim palace,oxfordshire)
    died:24 january 1965(28 hyde park gate,london)
    education:harrow and royal military college,sandhurst
    family:churchill was the elder of 2 sons.he was married to clementine hozier,and had 1 son and 4 daughters
    age at appointment:65 years,163 days;76 years,331 days
    first entered parliament:3 october 1900
    maiden speech:18 february 1901 in the debate on the king's speech on the boer war
    total time as pm:8 years,240 days
    the empires of the future are the empires of the mind
    i am prepared to meet my maker.whether my maker ** prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me ** another matter
    on attlee:"a modest man who has much to be modest about
    let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties and so bear ourselves that if the brit**h empire and its commonwealth last for a thousand years men will still say 'th** was their finest hour'
    on the raf following victory in the battle of britain:"never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few
    winston churchill was a politician,a soldier,an art**t,and the 20th century's most famous and celebrated prime min**ter.h** father was lord randolph churchill,a nine**th century tory politician.he was educated at harrow and at sandhurst royal military college,after which he saw service in india and the sudan,and acted off-duty as a war correspondent.
    churchill left the army in 1899 to take up politics,but first tr**elled to south africa as a journal**t.although taken pr**oner by the boers,he made a daring escape and returned to safety despite the price on h** head.h** consequent fame no doubt aided h** success as the conservative parliamentary candidate for oldham in 1900.
    churchill was instinctively independent,willing to work with any side agreeing with h** goals.thus h** stand against protection**m led him to join the liberals in 1904.as president of the board of trade in asquith's liberal ** he set up labour exchanges and unemployment insurance.as home secretary in 1910 he improved safety in the mines and prevented the employment of child miners,though d**appointed radicals by deploying troops in wales during a miners strike.
    in 1911 he was appointed first lord of the admiralty,and ensured the n**y was ready for the outbreak of war in 1914.however,he was blamed for failed dardanelles campaign in 1915,and was demoted in the coalition **.he resigned h** post and went to the front.
    in 1916 lloyd george appointed him min**ter for munitions,in which post he developed the use of the tank in warfare.in 1918 he took responsibility for demobil**ation.
    he returned to the conservative party in the 1920s and spent 5 years as stanley baldwin's chancellor,but again fell out with h** party.unpopular and ostrac**ed for a decade,h** warnings from the backbenches of fasc**t imperial**m went unheeded.h** influence,it was said,had fallen to zero.however,chamberlain's policy of appeasement failed,leading to h** resignation and to the vindication of churchill's position.george vi then asked churchill to form a ** in 1940 at the age of 65.
    asking the house of commons for its confidence in h** small war cabinet,he said"i h**e nothing to offer but blood,toil,tears and sweat."h** evocative and stirring rhetoric,employed in many famed speeches,** seen as representing the spirit of wartime britain,and was essential to ra**ing national morale.he was renowned as a great character and a great leader but was a paradoxical man.possessed of aston**hing v**ion,he also made d**astrous m**takes.nevertheless,he brought britain to victory against germany on the 8th of may,1945.
    following the labour landslide in the post-war 1945 election,a surpr**ed churchill found himself leading the conservative opposition.he then served four years as a peacetime prime min**ter.the second churchill admin**tration did not real**e h** hopes of ending the cold war.in contrast to the stark choices of the second world war,he found the problems facing post-war britain elusive and intangible.
    frustrated and in poor health,he resigned in 1955,aged 81.following h** death in 1965,churchill's body lay in state for 3 days at westminster hall before h** state funeral.




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