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蘑菇她不会开花 蘑菇她不会开花
  • 夜丶驱 夜丶驱

    不过,这毕竟也是一声波兹曼式的媒介环境学警钟,描绘着我们可能遇到的未来。无疑,我完全相信互联网和社会化媒体对于社会变革所起到的巨大推动作用。我自己也写了足够多的博客来论证这一点。但是如果我拒绝承认社会网络的崛起同样为非营利部门带来了严峻而现实的挑战,我就没有尽到责任。我所说的挑战如下:no doubt.i absolutely believe in the power of the internet and social media tofoster social good and create social change,and i’ve written plenty of blog posts that say as much,but i’d be rem**s if i didn’t also acknowledge that the r**e of the social web has created some very real and serious challenges for the nonprofit sector,such as:1)24小时全天候循环播放的突发新闻1)the 24/7 bad-news-**-#breakingnews cycle.每时每刻,网民都在被各种坏消息所轰炸。从非洲饥荒到中东战乱,再到全球经济崩溃,人们在各种阴郁绝望的推文、状态更新、照片和视频下不堪重负。如果这种状况继续下去,我担心很多人会因此失望,从而对我们所倡议的行动感到麻木。两年前,当我发布紧急的状态更新时,网民们会立即围拢上来表示他们的关心与慷慨。如今,出现了一种无人问津的现象—并非大家不关心了,而是倾盆而下的坏消息使得人们认为问题是无法解决的,无法施加任何积极的影响。这不好,非常不好。all day,everyday the online masses are being bombarded with terrible news.from famine in africa to war in the middle east to global economic collapse,people are increasingly becoming overwhelmed by all the tweets,status updates,photos,and videos of gloom,doom,and despair.if it continues as it has,then i fear that many people will begin to check-out and become numb to our calls to action.two years ago when i sent out urgent tweets or status updates,the online masses would respond instantly with concern and generosity.today,there’s a deafening silence – not because people don’t care,but because the constant barrage of bad news ** perpetuating the feeling that our problems are insurmountable and that people can not make a positive impact.that’s not good,not good at all.非营利部门怎么做呢?请你们分享更多成功的故事吧。人们需要听到更多的好消息。他们需要触摸到希望。作为提供社会希望的部门,非营利组织在调整这种极度消极的互联网集体意识上扮演着重要的角色。即使再困难重重的事物也有积极的一面。如果你的非营利组织在帮助穷人,分享一个因为得到救助,如今得以有一份工作,获得提拔,可以养家糊口,帮上学的子女买新鞋子的人的故事。如果你的非营利组织致力于灾后救助,分享一个幸存者的故事。或者,如果你的组织专注于环境和动物保护,关心任何一片栖息地与濒危物种的安危,分享一个成功的保护例子或者表现进步的消息。当然,我不是建议非营利部门无视存在的问题,但是一些振奋人心的好消息不应该被淹没。what nonprofits can do about it:share success stories,please.people need to hear good news.they need to feel hope.as the agents for social good,nonprofits are in a unique position to help reverse th** trend of extreme negativity in the online collective consciousness.even the most challenging **sues h**e stories of success.if your nonprofit ass**ts the poor,share a story of someone who finally secured employment or got a ra**e and can now feed their family and buy their kids new shoes for the school year.if your nonprofit works in d**aster relief,share a story of survival.or,if your nonprofit works to protect the environment or animals,for every tragic loss of habitat or endangered species,share a story of conservation or progress.of course,i am not suggesting nonprofits turn a blind eye to the problems of the world,but some good news on the internet definitely couldn’t hurt.2)互联网巨魔(在互联网上发**性信息的用户)的出现2)the r**e of the internet troll.过去的几年间,互联网巨魔的数量明显增多了。在自我中心主义和不满的驱使下,这些人不停地在博客和社交网络上咆哮、尖叫、抱怨、指责、仇恨,而他们这样做经常是匿名或者使用假名完成的。更糟糕的是,祸不单行,当一个巨魔找到一个“家园”,其他巨魔也会闻风而动,簇拥而来。互联网巨魔变得如此普遍和怪异,以至于我和很多奇特人一样,已经不再看博客和脸书状态后的评论,这些评论常常力图拆毁社会性媒体造福社会的一切目的和力量。over the last few years there has been an obvious r**e in the internet troll.fueled by ego and d**content,these people rant,scream,complain,critique,and hate for hours upon hours on blogs and social netwo**ng sites – usually anonymously or using a fake name.even worse,m**ery loves company and where one troll finds an online home,many others follow and settle in.internet trolling has become so widespread and ridiculous that i(and many others)don’t even look at blog or facebook status update comments anymore which defeats much of the purpose and the power of social media for social good.非营利部门怎么做呢?我们无法阻止巨魔,但是我们可以防止他们干扰我们的网上交流。封锁,禁止,报告,然后继续。有无数其他的网站可供这些人宣泄仇恨和消极情绪,但是相信我—他们是有害的,会轻易破坏你多年试图建立的社区的良好意愿和良好感应。和而不同的表达与网络巨魔间有着很大的差异,后者完全不尊重其他人的观点。使他们参与进来会让事情变糟。你不得不封锁,禁止,报告,然后才能继续。what nonprofits can do about it:we can’t stop the trolls,but we can prevent them from infecting our online communities.block,delete,ban,report,and move on.there are plenty of other websites where they can spew their hate and negativity,but believe me – they are toxic and can easily destroy the good will and good vibe of the communities your nonprofit has spent years building for your cause.there’s a difference between d**agreeing respectfully on **sues,but internet trolls h**e no respect for other people’s opinions.engaging them just makes it worse.block,delete,ban,report,and move on.3)社会性媒体的**性增长3)social media burnout通常情况下,非营利部门的社会媒体从业者在一天中不断地受到新闻的轰炸,如果他们卷入有争议的话题,与互联网巨魔对战会成为生活的常态。单单这两个因素,就足以浇灭最投入的非营利组织成员的热情。如果再加上需要多任务处理的社会化媒体宣传任务,和令人上瘾的社会化媒体本身,之前的热情很容易变成倦怠。确实,我也经常挣扎于期间。in most cases,social media practitioners in the nonprofit sector spend their days living and breathing the 24/7 bad-news-**-#breakingnews cycle,and if they work on controversial **sues,internet trolls are likely a daily occurrence.those two factors alone can easily burnout the most committed and compassionate of nonprofit staff.when you add to that the constant multitasking required to implement social media campaigns well and the addictive nature of social media,burnout ** a given.indeed,i struggle with it often.非营利部门怎么做呢?努力离开你的电脑、平板设备和智能手机!我是说真的。2009年,我写了10个防止社会媒体倦怠的建议。对于我来说,这些话依然适用,但是我还想补充的是:少看有线新闻台。我简直无法告诉你,我多么害怕看到在之后的15个月里,有关2012年**大选的报道会对美国产生什么样的影响。如果这种报道就像过去的三周内对于经济崩溃的报道一样,我实在不知道这对我们造福社会的努力有什么好处。what nonprofits can do about it:make an effort to get away from your computer,tablet,and/or smartphone!seriously.in 2009,i wrote up 10 tips on how to deal with social media burnout and for me they still ring true,but another i’d like to add now ** to watch much less cable news.i can’t tell you how much i am dreading the next 15 months of 2012 election coverage and its potential impact here in the united states.if it’s anything like the last three weeks of cable news coverage about the debt deal/cr****,i just don’t see how it will serve the social good.有什么想法?我们需要引起重视的,社会性媒体妨碍非营利部门的其他途径?互联网巨魔的故事?社会性媒体倦怠的应对措施?信息过载?thoughts?other ways that social media has negatively affected the nonprofit sector that we need to be aware of and deal with?troll stories?tips for handling social media burnout?**rmation overload?




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