左无才相,右无才史,抑巷无才偷,薮泽无才盗 什么意思

啧啧 啧啧
  • 大白菜 大白菜

    ① make one’s way:the team slowly made their way through the jungle.
    这一队人艰难地行走在丛林中。② push one’s way:he pushed h** way through the crowd.
    他推开人群挤出去了。③ lose one’s way:he lost h** way in the big city.
    在这个大城市里,他迷失了方向。④ pick one’s way:he had to pick h** way along the muddy path.
    在泥泞的小路上,他只得择路而行。⑤ fight one’s way:the surrounded soldiers fought their way out.
    这些被包围的士兵杀出了一条生路。⑥ feel one’s way:we couldn’t see anything in the c**e,so we had to feel our way out.
    我们在洞里什么也看不到,只得摸着出去。⑦ inch one’s way:on seeing the snake,he inched h** way backwards.
    一看到那条蛇,他就缓慢地退走了。⑧ laugh one’s way:he laughs h** way through life.
    ⑨ wind one’s way:the path winds its way to the top of the mountain.
    这条小路蜿蜒通向山顶。⑩ elbow one’s way:he elbowed h** way to the front of the queue.
    他(用肘)挤到队前面。⑪ grope one’s way:he drank too much and then groped h** way back to the bedroom.
    他喝得太多了,踉踉跄跄得摸进卧室。⑫limp one’s way:he was hurt in the left leg so that he had to limp h** way home.
    他的左腿受伤,只得一瘸一拐地走回家。⑬dig one’s way:mark twain began digging h** way to regional fame as a news** reporter.
    作为一名记者,马克•吐温开始在当地崭露头角。by way of someplace.途径某地
    get in the way.妨碍
    show somebody the way.为某人引路
    lead the way.带路
    set in one's ways.旧习难改
    mend one's ways.改邪归正
    the way of the world.世俗
    just the other way.恰恰相反
    in any way.无论如何
    in no way.无论如何不;决不
    put it another way.换言之
    in a/the family way.不拘礼节地
    go/take one's own way.一意孤行
    give way(to).退让
    on the way.在途中
    on one's way to….到…去的途中




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