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    地牢2-官方作弊码(eng)cheat codes
    while playing,press[enter]and type:
    bushsux-oluaowr teleport(*)
    iraqsux-eszaryz silver ring
    luvtana-aeviyaa silver ring,weapon,garment
    kr**rox-lzjlcoj less chunky
    superchunky chunky
    quwhba instant kill(*)
    drlife god mode(-)
    movie record movie(-)
    version show version
    (*)=enter cheat again to deactivate.
    (-)=enter[-]in front of code to deactivate.
    note:some cheats may become deactivated after cutscenes or the use of portals.re-enter the cheat codes to reactivate.
    to use these cheat codes,press enter to enter chat mode,and prefix the code with"+"or"-",i.e."+gui"will activate the gui cheat code,while"-gui"will deactivate the cheat code.some cheat codes are not reversible.
    some of these codes allow you to make some rather cool screenshots and movies,while some of the other codes may spoil your gameplay.use them sparingly,and always remember that if the game ** too hard for you,you can always press esc to load the game options screen,click on"options",select the"game"panel,and switch the game's difficulty level to an easier mode.
    a ** about trainers
    we,at he**engames,take a firm stand against trainers,as they will,especially in a multi-player or tournament environment,do harm than good.
    for single play,they lead to people to be bad players as they come to depend on the cheats.
    so,if you want to mess up your gaming skills,by all means go ahead,but don't expect help from us.
    we will not host or support trainers on our site and we will ban people that admit to use of trainers to cheat in multiplayer games.
    dungeon siege cheat codes
    cheat code effect
    checksinthemail gives you 9,999,999 gold(maximum gold limit in ds)
    drdeath max out all your character attributes and skill levels
    fear the badgar"-gives you the following items.all of them carry bonuses that add to 12 to your health:
    4x ring of the badger
    1x amulet of the badger
    1x leather gloves of the badger
    1x leather cap of the badger
    1x leather boots of the badger
    1x tatters of the badger
    1x dagger of the badger
    1x frayed long bow of the badger
    gui enable user interface
    loeferv**ion remove fog of war
    maxjooky makes character twice as large
    minjooky makes character twice as **all
    mouse enable mouse cursor
    movie records a 30 second movie at 30fps.warning!each individual frame ** s**ed as a bmp file,and depending on your resolution,each file can range from 1-6mb.make sure you h**e a harddrive with enough space(i.e.at 1024x768 each frame takes up 2.7mb,and there are 900 frames=2.4gb).it also slows the game down to a crawl while it captures each frame.the shots are s**ed in my documents/dungeon siege/s**es
    potionaholic gives you 3 super mana potions(2500 mp's each)and 3 super health potions(2000 hp's each)
    resizelabels unknown(gives"character label resizing enabled"**)
    rings enable selection rings(these are the green rings under the characters)
    shootall unknown(gives"clicks not required"**)
    gives you these 6 high-level spells:
    summon zombie(combat)
    summon black drake(combat)
    summon fire elemental(combat)
    summon furok(nature)
    summon larch(nature)
    summon rock golem(nature)
    sniper lets you attack from far away(incredible range for all weapons of all skills)
    version d**play game version
    xrayv**ion remove textures(shows the game in wiremesh)
    zool invincibility




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