妖怪名单手游怎么玩 新手玩法技巧攻略详解


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    msg<player><**>【** a specified player(私信一个**)】
    me【puts your text into a purple color(你的文字将以紫色发出)】
    grass.on true/false【enables or d**ables grass;improves fps for some.(打开/关闭草地,可提高fps)】
    grass.d**placement【true/false enables or d**ables grass d**placements.(打开关闭草地移动)】
    terrain.idleinterval 0-100【sets how often to draw unseen terrain;setting to 0 will d**able.(远景更新平率,0为不允许)】
    gui.show【turns the ui on.(显示用户界面)】
    gui.hide【turns the ui off.(关闭用户界面)】
    gui.show_branding【turns the branding ui in top-right corner on.(显示右上角的标识)】
    gui.hide_branding【turns the branding ui in top-right corner off.(隐藏右上角的标识)】
    net.connect "server ip" 【connect to a direct server ip.(连接服务器ip,server ip出填写服务器的ip)】
    net.d**connect 【d**connects from a server.(断开服务器连接)】
    net.reconnect 【reconnect to the last server you were on.(重新连接上一个服务器)】
    censor.nudity false【d**abled censorship.(关闭**)】
    **【kills your character allowing for a respawn.(**)】
    quit【quits the game.(退出游戏)】
    rcon.login"password"【use your 'password' to login into rcon via ingame console(f1).(使用控制台登录服务器)】
    status【see how many players are online on server.(查看在线**数量)】
    notice.popupall"**"【pops up a ** for all players.(发送服务器公告,在每个**屏幕上弹出)】
    find*【l**ts **ailable console commands.(列出控制台指令)】
    kick"player"【kicks player from the server.(踢出某个**)】
    ban"player"or"steamid"【bans player.doesn't kick him though.(封掉一个**)】
    banid"steamid""reason"【bans a steamid from the server.(封掉一个**的steamid,reason处可写理由)】
    unbanall【unbans all players.(解封所有**)】
    truth.enforce true/false【server kicks people automatically when they are doing"weird"things.(服务器自动踢出做奇怪事情的人,如卡bug)】
    s**e.all【s**es world map and player inventory(服务器保存当前地图和**信息).】
    say[**]【sends a ** to the person/s in-game globally.(以服务器身份说话)】
    teleport.toplayer"player 1""player 2"【teleports 'player 1' to 'player 2'.case sensetive.full name required.(传送“**1”到“**2”)】
    teleport.topos"player 1""pos x""pos y""pos z"【teleports 'player 1' to the coordinates.full name required.(传送“**1”到“坐标x”“坐标y”“坐标z”)】
    inv.giveplayer"player""item""amount"【gives 'player' the 'item'.full name and item name required.l**t of items.(给**东西,“**”“物品”“数量”)】
    inv.giveall"item""amount"【gives all players 'item'.full item name required.l**t of items.(给所有人东西,“**”“物品”“数量”,比如节日的时候,可以作为惊喜,没人给一把**什么的)】
    dmg.godmode true/false【gives all logged in admins godmode.(开启/关闭所有人创造**)】
    crafting.complete【completes every single crafting job in progress for everyone.(允许制作任何东西)】
    crafting.cancel【cancels every single crafting job in progress for everyone.(取消制作任何东西)】
    crafting.instant true/false【sets crafting to be instant for everyone.(开启/关闭瞬间制作)】
    crafting.instant_admins true/false【sets crafting to be instant for logged in admins only.(开启/关闭管理员瞬间制作)】
    crafting.timescale"amount"【sets the timescale of crafting to 'amount'(1=default,0.5=half time).(设置制作物品时间的速度,1为默认,0.5为一半时间)】
    airdrop.drop【starts an airdrop.(进行一次物品空降)】
    airdrop.min_players"amount"【starts airdrops only when minimum x players are online.(开始物品空降,当在线人数至少“数量”人的时候)】

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