

一起走~ 一起走~
  • 光的深处 光的深处

    李星,一九四五年生于哈尔滨市,一九六二年参军,一九八二年进修于中央音乐学院指挥系,曾任海军**部歌舞团团长兼指挥,现任海军军乐团团长兼首席指挥、**音乐协会会员、**一级指挥、**管乐协会理事、**指挥家协会会员、北京管乐协会副理事长、海军大校军衔。李星近年来先后率海军军乐团随舰出访过美国、俄罗斯、墨西哥、智利、澳大利亚、新西兰等十几个**。指挥过美国太平洋舰队海军军乐团、圣地亚哥海军军乐团、澳大利亚及新西兰皇家海军军乐团的演出。他的指挥艺术受到各国人民**的广泛赞誉。在中华人民共和国成立五十周年盛大庆典中,李星任联合军乐团第二大队长兼指挥,率海军军乐团光荣地接受了祖国和人民的检阅。li xing was born in 1945 in harbin heilongjiang province and joined and joined the army in 1962.from 1982 to 1987,he attended the conductor department of the central conservatory of music for an advanced study.he was once the head of chorus of the political department of n**y and concurrently the conductor and now the head of the military band of n**y and concurrently the chief conductor,a member of china musicians association and the state first-class conductor.
    during the recent years.li xing led the military band of n**y and v**itor a dozen of countries such as the u.s.,australia,new zealand,mexico and russia etc.conducted the performances of the military bands of the n**y of u.s.pacific fleet,san diego,australia and new zealand.h** conduction art has won wide appra**al form the people and army of each nation.
    on the great celebration for the 50 anniversary for the founding of the people's republic of china,li xing was the secant team leader and concurrently the conductor for combined military band,led the military band of n**y and received the review gloriously form the motherland and the people.




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