

一个陌生人 一个陌生人
  • 爱吃的酸酸酱。 爱吃的酸酸酱。

    hall of fame:celebrities take you feel the drive of their life
    ma yun ren zhiqiang li jiacheng liu chuanzhi shi yuzhu
    drink the total 1800 component sword*2+anti magic cloak+35 physical damage+30 magic res**tance unique passive:such as by magic damage to heroes of less than 30%hp,for a 300 spell damage absorb shield,lasts 4 seconds,cooldown of 60 seconds
    destroyer of the death cap total 3600 fuel assemblies burn magic wand+useless sticks+155 spell damage increased passive:30%dmg auxiliary ring class
    ancient will total 2100 components increase manual+hextech revolver(by manual*2)+50 spellpower unique aura:increases around the hero 30 spell damage and 25%mana vampire
    total 2550 components warm stark heroic badges(energy orb+vampire scepter)recurve+20%attack speed and unique aura:for additional heroes increase 20%life steal,20%attack speed 30hp/5 seconds,reduce the surrounding enemies 20 armor
    abyssal scepter gross method deflagration 2650 component staff and cape+70 spell damage spell res**tance aura:decreased+57 only 20 enemy spell res**tance
    sunfire cape total 2610 component sleeveless armour belt of giant+450hp+45 armor passive:most around the unit causing 35 damage per second(th** effect does not stack)
    the soul vestment total 2285 fuel assemblies burn gem(hong baoshi)royal magic device(back to the blue*2)hong baoshi+520hp unique aura:around+12mp/5 seconds,reduce 10%friendly cooldown
    army guard total 1925 component cloth ruby anti magic cloak+270hp+24+18 armor spell res**tance aura:only improve friendly 12 armor,15 spell res**tance,8 attack
    heroic badges total 800 component life orb vampire scepter+17%life steal unique aura around+10hp/5 seconds:friendly
    the magic of total 475 component back to the blue*2 unique aura around+7.2mp/5 seconds common:friendly
    useless sticks total 1600+80 spell damage
    hextech revolver total 1200 components increase manual*2+40 spell damage spell vampire+20%
    phantom dancer total 2895 component mania(dagger+villain gloves)crit cloak and dagger+55%attack speed+30%crit speed+15%
    l**a sword total 1650+45 attack
    fanatical total 1195 component villain gloves dagger+20%attack speed and movement speed of+8%10%crit chance
    belt of giant total 1110+430hp
    recurve total 1050+40%attack speed
    poleaxe total 975+25 physical attack
    deflagration staff total 860+40 spell damage
    clever cloak total 830(crit cloak)+18%crit chance
    red crystal total 475(+180hp hong baoshi)
    blue crystal(sapphire)total 400+200mp
    regeneration pendant(blood return card)total 435+15hp/5 seconds
    vampire.total 450+12%life steal
    total 740+48 magic res**tance and cloak
    sleeveless chain a total 700+45 physical defense
    total 435+20 spell damage increase manual
    total 420+15%attack speed dagger
    fairy fu zhou(back to blue)total 180+3mp/5 seconds
    moonlight sword total 1200 fuel assemblies burn magic wand spell damage the toughness of+25+50
    alyssa.miracle total 1200 component back to the blue+blood return card combined wages card+25hp/5 seconds+20mp/5 seconds+25 toughness
    in total 1450 components and sword attack speed sword+crit cloak+20%attack speed+20%crit+35 toughness
    boots of speed increased 1 total 350 movement speed
    speed ai echo boots total 1050 component clear boots passively increases movement speed level 2,reduces the cooldown of 15%
    ninja foot with total 850 component boots of speed cloth armor by+25+12%dodge increases the odds of 2 movement speed
    berserker gre**es total 920 component boots of speed dagger 25%increased attack speed increased 2 movement speed
    migration boots total 1000 component boots of speed 5 seconds not hurt and harm grade 5 increases movement speed,or level 2
    the warlock boots total 1100 component boots of speed increase 20 spell penetration,grade 2 increases movement speed
    light boots total 1000 component boots of speed increased 3 movement speed
    mercure boots total 1200 component boots of speed wear cape+35 toughness preparation effect:increase the hero moves grade 2,negative effect duration reduced to 35%
    dolan shield total 475+120hp+10 defense+8hp/5 seconds
    dolan ring total 475+100hp+15 spell damage by+5mp/5 seconds
    dolan sword total 475+100hp+10 physical attack+3%life steal




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