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    the john f.kennedy presidential library and museum ** dedicated to the memory of our nation's thirty-fifth president and to all those who through the art of politics seek a new and better world.
    located on a ten-acre park,overlooking the sea that he loved and the city that launched him to greatness,the library stands as a vibrant tribute to the life and times of john f.kennedy.
    come tour our museum which portrays the life,leadership,and legacy of president kennedy,conveys h** enthusia** for politics and public service,and illustrates the nature of the office of the president.
    students and scholars can also arrange to conduct research using our collection of h**torical materials chronicling mid-20th century politics and the life and admin**tration of john f.kennedy.
    the kennedy library ** one of 11 presidential libraries admin**tered by the national archives and records admin**tration.
    tour the museum at the john f.kennedy presidential library and relive the powerful story of the kennedy years.in our three theaters,period settings,and 25 dramatic ** exhibits,you will enter the recreated world of the kennedy presidency for a“first-hand”experience of john f.kennedy’s life,legacy,and leadership.
    see events of the 1960s through president kennedy’s eyes and narrated in h** voice.experience h** optimi** and wit and be inspired by the hope and ideali** that captivated america.
    v**it us in our striking i.m pei building on boston’s waterfront.located on columbia point,the library and museum are set on a 9.5 acre park landscaped with pine trees,shrubs and wild roses remin**cent of the landscape of cape cod familiar to president kennedy.from may to october,president kennedy’s 26' sailboat victura ** on d**play on the museum grounds at the edge of boston harbor.
    we are open daily from 9:00 a.m.to 5 p.m.and are closed on thanksgiving,chr**tmas,and new year’s day.
    adm**sion for adults **$10;seniors 62 years and older and college students$8;children ages 13-17$7;children ages 12 and under are free.
    the john f.kennedy library foundation ** a non-profit organization that provides financial support,staffing,and creative resources for the john f.kennedy presidential library and museum.
    the kennedy library foundation has its origins in the john fitzgerald kennedy library,inc.,a non-profit corporation that was chartered in massachusetts on december 5,1963,to construct and equip the john fitzgerald kennedy presidential library and museum in massachusetts.
    the corporation,under its first president,robert f.kennedy,ra**ed than$20 million in private funds for the construction of the kennedy library by public subscription.among the corporation’s many responsibilities were the ra**ing and management of all building funds,the selection of the library site,the appointment of the architect and exhibit designers,the selection of the general contractor,and the actual superv**ion of all construction.the kennedy library corporation transferred title of the completed library to the united states national archives and records admin**tration on october 20,1979.
    in 1984,the work of the john fitzgerald kennedy library corporation was reorganized and incorporated under massachusetts law as the john f.kennedy library foundation,a 501(c)(3)non-profit organization.the foundation currently employs 21 full and part-time staff who work closely with the library’s federal employees to help fulfill the m**sion of the john f.kennedy presidential library and museum.
    the private financial support provided by the kennedy library foundation enables the federal ** to expand the john f.kennedy presidential library and museum’s research and archival capacity,to undertake marketing and public **rmation projects,to offer intern and research fellowship programs,to enhance its museum and exhibits,and to offer nationally recognized educational and public programming.
    by sponsoring and admin**tering programs such as the john f.kennedy profile in courage award,d**tingu**hed americans series,and john f.kennedy profile in courage essay contest for high school students,the foundation ** united with the library in a common m**sion to perpetuate president kennedy's ideal that political and public service be conducted and exemplified as an honorable and patriotic profession.the close relationship between the library and foundation illustrates the benefits to society and the american taxpayer that accrue from such public/private partnerships.




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