
-仙贝酱 -仙贝酱
  • 西西瓜瓜 西西瓜瓜

    brothers 的 dance now
    come on lady
    show me baby things i h**e to know,
    don't you know i will blow if you let me go,
    are you ready?if you're ready
    show me what to do,
    i want you,you me too,we will make it true.
    come on baby,hit now baby
    time for us to go,
    let me in
    don't m**sing
    we will start to flow,
    can you feel it like i feel it
    do it up and down,
    wait a sec
    what i feel
    now there ** no throughout
    come on let's dance now,
    moving on the floor,
    let's h**e the power,
    stand in,you'll hit the door
    bringin all down on us
    would you dance some stays like all world
    let's flow onto our shore




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