
起洁-薛9531 起洁-薛9531
  • 米朵 米朵

    roald dahl(13 september 1916 – 23 november 1990)was a brit**h novel**t,short story writer and screenwriter,born in wales of norwegian parents,who rose to prominence in the 1940s with works for both children and adults,and became one of the world's bestselling authors.
    h** most popular books include the twits,charlie and the chocolate factory,james and the giant peach,matilda,the witches and the bfg.
    1 biography
    1.1 world war ii
    1.2 postwar life
    1.2.1 family
    1.2.2 way out
    1.2.3 anti-semitic remarks
    1.2.4 death and legacy
    1.3 roald dahl day
    2 writing
    2.1 children's fiction
    3 l**t of works
    3.1 children's writing
    3.1.1 children's stories
    3.1.2 children's poetry
    3.2 adult fiction
    3.2.1 novels
    3.2.2 short story collections
    3.3 non-fiction
    3.4 plays
    3.5 film scripts
    3.6 telev**ion
    4 sources
    5 references
    6 external links
    roald dahl was born in llandaff,cardiff,wales in 1916,to norwegian parents,harald dahl and sofie magdalene dahl(née hesselberg).dahl's family had moved from norway and settled in cardiff in the 1880s.roald was named after the polar explorer roald amundsen,a national hero in norway at the time.he spoke norwegian at home with h** parents and s**ters.dahl and h** s**ters were chr**tened at the norwegian church,cardiff,where their parents worshipped.
    in 1920,when roald was four,h** seven-year-old s**ter,astri,died from appendicit**.about a month later,h** father died of pneumonia at the age of 57,following grief from h** daughter's death.dahl's mother,however,decided not to return to norway to live with her relatives,but to remain in wales since it had been her hu**and's w**h to h**e their children educated in brit**h schools.
    dahl first attended the cathedral school,llandaff.at the age of eight,he and four of h** friends were caned by the headmaster after putting a dead mouse in a jar of sweets at the local sweet shop,which was owned by a"mean and loathsome"old woman called mrs.pratchett(wife of black**ith d**id pratchett).th** was known amongst the five boys as the"great mouse plot of 1923".th** was roald's own idea.
    thereafter,he was sent to several boarding schools in england,including saint peter's in weston-super-mare.h** parents had wanted roald to be educated at a brit**h public school and at the time,due to a then regular boat link across the br**tol channel,th** proved to be the nearest.h** time at saint peter's was an unpleasant experience for him.he was very homesick and wrote to h** mother almost every day,but never revealed to her h** unhappiness,being under the pressure of school censorship.only when she died did he find out that she had s**ed every single one of h** letters,in **all bundles held together with green tape.he later attended repton school in derbyshire,where,according to h** novel boy,a friend named michael was viciously caned by geoffrey f**her,the man who later became the archb**hop of canterbury.th** caused dahl to"h**e doubts about religion and even about god".
    dahl was very tall,reaching 6'6"(1.98m)in adult life,[1]and he was good at sports,being made captain of the school fives and squash team,and also playing for the football team.th** helped h** popularity.he developed an interest in photography.during h** years there,cadbury,a chocolate company,would occasionally send boxes of new chocolates to the school to be tested by the pupils.dahl himself apparently used to dream of inventing a new chocolate bar that would win the pra**e of mr.cadbury himself,and th** proved the inspiration for him to write h** third book for children,charlie and the chocolate factory.
    throughout h** childhood and adolescent years,dahl spent h** summer holidays in h** parents' native norway,mostly enjoying the fjords.h** childhood ** the subject of h** autobiographical work,boy:tales of childhood.
    after fin**hing h** schooling,he spent three weeks hiking through newfoundland with a group called the public schools' exploring society(now known as bses expeditions).in july 1934,he joined the shell petroleum company.
    following two years of training in the uk,he was transferred to dar-es-salaam,tanganyika(now tanzania).along with the only two other shell employees in the entire territory,he lived in luxury in the shell house outside dar-es-salaam,with a cook and personal servants.while out on assignments supplying oil to customers across tanganyika,he encountered black mambas(a type of snake),and lions,amongst other wildlife.
    [edit]world war ii
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    dahl describes in the autobiographical going solo how,in august 1939,as world war ii impended,plans were made to round up the hundreds of germans in dar-es-salaam.dahl was made an officer in the king's african rifles,commanding a platoon of askar**,indigenous troops serving in the colonial army.
    in november 1939,dahl joined the royal air force.after a 600-mile(970 km)car journey from dar-es-salaam to nairobi,he was accepted for flight training with 20 other men,17 of whom would later die in air combat.with seven hours and 40 minutes experience in a de h**illand tiger moth,he flew solo;dahl enjoyed watching the wildlife of kenya during h** flights.he continued on to advanced flying training in iraq,at raf habbaniya,50 miles(80 km)west of baghdad.following six months training on hawker harts,dahl was made a pilot officer.
    he was assigned to no.80 squadron raf,flying obsolete gloster gladiators,the last biplane fighter plane used by the raf.dahl was surpr**ed to find that he would not receive any special**ed training in aerial combat,or in regard to flying gladiators.on 19 september 1940,dahl was ordered to fly h** gladiator from abu sueir in egypt,on to amiriya to refuel,and again to fouka in libya for a second refuelling.from there he would fly to 80 squadron's forward airstrip 30 miles(48 km)south of mersa matruh.on the final leg,he could not find the airstrip and,running low on fuel and with night approaching,he was forced to attempt a landing in the desert.unfortunately,the undercarriage hit a boulder and the plane crashed,fracturing h** skull,**ashing h** nose in,and blinding him.he managed to drag himself away from the blazing wreckage and passed out.later,he wrote about the crash for h** first publ**hed work(see below).
    dahl was rescued and taken to a first-aid post in mersa matruh,where he regained consciousness,but not h** sight,and was then taken by train to the royal n**y hospital in alexandria.there he fell in and out of love with a nurse,mary welland.dahl had fallen in love with her voice while he was blind,but once he regained h** sight,he decided that he no longer loved her.an raf inquiry into the crash revealed that the location he had been told to fly to was completely wrong,and he had m**takenly been sent instead to the no man's land between the allied and italian forces.
    in february 1941,dahl was d**charged and passed fully fit for flying duties.by th** time,80 squadron had been transferred to the battle of greece greek campaign and based at eleusina,near athens.the squadron was now equipped with hawker hurricanes.dahl flew a replacement hurricane across the mediterranean sea in april 1941,after seven hours flying hurricanes.by th** stage in the greek campaign,the raf had only 18 combat planes in greece:14 hurricanes and four br**tol blenheim light bombers.dahl saw h** first aerial combat on 15 april 1941,while flying alone over the city of chalc**.he attacked six junkers ju-88s that were bombing ships and shot one down.on 16 april in another air battle,he shot down another ju-88.
    on 20 april 1941 dahl took part in the"battle of athens",alongside the highest-scoring brit**h commonwealth ace of world war ii,pat pattle and dahl's friend d**id coke.of twelve hurricanes involved,five were shot down and four of their pilots killed,including pattle.greek observers on the ground counted twenty-two german aircraft downed,but none of the pilots knew who they shot down due to the carnage of the aerial engagement.roald dahl described it as"an endless blur of enemy fighters whizzing towards me from every side."the wing returned back to elevs**.later on in the day,the aerodrome was ground-strafed by bf 109s,but miraculously,none of them hit any of the hawker hurricanes.the hurricanes were then evacuated to a **all,secret airfield near megara,a **all village on 21 april 1941,where the pilots hid.approximately 50 miles(80 km)north half of the luftwaffe were searching for the remaining hurricanes.by approximately 6 or 7 a.m.,about thirty bf-109s and stuka dive-bombers flew over the seven pilots who were hiding.the stukas dived bombed a tanker in the bay of athens,and sank it.dahl and h** comrades were only 500 yards(460 m)away from the incident.surpr**ingly,none of the bombers nor the fighters were able to spot the hurricanes parked in the nearby field.sometime in the afternoon,an air commodore arrived in a car to the airfield and asked if one of the seven could volunteer to fly and deliver a package to a man named carter at elevs**.roald dahl was the only one who volunteered to do it.the contents of the package were of vital importance,and dahl was told that if he was shot down,or captured,he should burn the package immediately,so it would not fall into enemy hands,and once he had handed over the package,he was to fly to argos,an airfield,with the rest of the seven pilots in the squadron.
    for the rest of april,the situation was horrible for the raf in greece.if the luftwaffe destroyed the remaining seven planes,they would then h**e complete control of the skies in greece.they intended to wipe them out.if the squadron were to be found,it would mean the worst.according to dahl's report,at about 4:30 p.m.a bf 110 swooped over the airfield at argos,and found them.the pilots d**cussed that it would take the 110 ...

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