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    characters in moby-dick
    the crew-members of the pequod are carefully drawn stylizations of human types and habits;critics h**e often described the crew as a"self-enclosed universe".
    in the novel's first sentence,the narrator famously declares,"call me **hmael."initially,he ** the only narrator,but after the pequod le**es port,he repeatedly fades(including the narration of several scenes he could not possibly h**e witnessed firsthand)and comes back to full prominence.
    the name **hmael also appears in the bible as that of the first son of abraham in the old testament.the name has come to symbolize orphans,exiles,and social outcasts—in the opening paragraph of moby-dick,**hmael tells the reader that he has turned to the sea out of a feeling of alienation from human the last line of the book,**hmael also refers to himself symbolically as an orphan.**hmael has a rich literary background(he has previously been a schoolteacher),which he brings to bear on h** shipmates and events that occur while at sea.
    **hmael resembles melville in several ways(as well as the narrator of melville's white-jacket),being well-educated and reflective.**hmael sees h** shipmates as archetypes of human nature and society,and tells h** story couched in a vast array of detail,largely occurring during sections in which **hmael takes an almost-omn**cient viewpoint.
    the character elijah(named for the biblical prophet,elijah,who ** also referred to in the king james bible as elias),on learning that **hmael and queequeg h**e signed onto ahab's ship,asks,"anything down there about your souls?when **hmael reacts with surpr**e,elijah continues:
    oh,perhaps you h**'n't got any,"he said quickly."no matter though,i know many chaps that h**'n't got any – good luck to 'em;and they are all the better off for it.a soul's a sort of a fifth wheel to a wagon."[4]
    later in the conversation,elijah adds:
    well,well,what's signed,** signed;and what's to be,will be;and then again,perhaps it wont be,after all.any how,it's all fixed and arranged a'ready;and some sailors or other must go with him,i suppose;as well these as any other men,god pity 'em!morning to ye,shipmates,morning;the ineffable he**ens bless ye;i'm sorry i stopped ye."[5]
    ahab ** the tyrannical captain of the pequod who ** driven by a monomaniacal desire to kill moby dick,the whale that maimed him on the previous whaling voyage.despite the fact that he's a quaker,he seeks revenge in defiance of h** religion's well-known pacifi**.ahab's name comes directly from the bible(see 1 kings 16:28).
    little **rmation ** provided about ahab's life prior to meeting moby dick,although it ** known that he was orphaned at a young age.when d**cussing the purpose of h** quest with starbuck,it ** revealed that he first began whaling at eigh** and has continued in the trade for forty years,h**ing spent less than three on land.he also mentions h**"girl-wife,"whom he married late in life,and their young son,but does not give their names.
    in **hmael's first encounter with ahab's name,he responds"when that wicked king was slain,the dogs,did they not lick h** blood?(moby-dick,chapter 16).[17]
    ahab ultimately dooms the crew of the pequod(s**e for **hmael)to death by h** obsession with moby dick.during the final chase,ahab hurls h** final harpoon while yelling h** now-famous revenge line:
    to the last i grapple with thee;from hell's heart i stab at thee;for hate's sake i spit my last breath at thee.
    the harpoon becomes lodged in moby dick's flesh and ahab,caught in h** own harpoon's rope and unable to free himself,** dragged into the cold oblivion of the sea with the injured whale.the whale eventually destroys the whaleboats and crew,and sinks the pequod.
    ahab has the qualities of a tragic hero – a great heart and a fatal flaw – and h** deeply philosophical ruminations are expressed in language that ** not only deliberately lofty and shakespearian,but also so he**ily iambic as often to read like shakespeare's own pentameters.
    ahab's motivation for hunting moby dick ** perhaps best summed up in the following passage:
    the white whale swam before him as the monomaniac incarnation of all those malicious agencies which some deep men feel eating in them,till they are left living on with half a heart and half a lung.that intangible malignity which has been from the beginning;to whose dominion even the modern chr**tians ascribe one-half of the worlds;which the ancient ophites of the east reverenced in their statue devil;ahab did not fall down and worship it like them;but deliriously transferring its idea to the abhorred white whale,he pitted himself,all mutilated,against it.all that most maddens and torments;all that stirs up the lees of things;all truth with malice in it;all that cracks the sinews and cakes the brain;all the subtle demoni**s of life and thought;all evil,to crazy ahab,were v**ibly personified,and made practically assailable in moby-dick.he piled upon the whale's white hump the sum of all the general rage and hate felt by h** whole race from adam down;and then,as if h** chest had been a mortar,he burst h** hot heart's shell upon it.
    [edit]moby dick
    moby dick ** the antagon**t of the book.the color white ** explored in the chapter"the whiteness of the whale."it calls intoquestion the meaning of the chapters on popular culture,moby dick ** often depicted as being an albino whale.for example,in the huge whale mural at the new bedford whaling museum,a white sperm whale with a red eye and several harpoons(detached from their boats)stuck in its back ** prominently d**** seems accurate,since the aforementioned chapter"the whiteness of the whale"refers explicitly to"the albino whale."others however claim that th** ** inaccurate,and that moby dick ** colored like an **erage sperm whale,but with so many scars as to appear white or ** gray with several patches and streaks of white.he ** also described as h**ing a wrinkled brow,a crooked jaw and three gashes in h** right tail fluke.
    moby dick's dimensions are never specified,but he ** said to be one of the largest,if not the largest sperm whale known.subsequently,melville states(chapter 103)that bull sperm whales can grow to the length of ninety feet;(th** would be d**puted by modern marine biolog**ts who maintain they rarely exceed sixty feet).moby dick also appears to be unusually intelligent,resorting to many clever strategies to defeat ahab and h** crew.he also seems to be capable of using h** injuries to great advantage.on the second day of the chase,he allows ahab and h** men to strike him with their harpoons during a head-on charge;he then swims around wildly to entangle the harpoons before yanking ahab towards him in order to cut him up with the harpoons embedded in h** flesh.moby dick then **ashes stubb and flask's boats with h** flukes,before sending ahab's boat flying with a powerful headbutt.
    the three mates of the pequod are all from new england.
    starbuck,the young first mate of the pequod,** a thoughtful and intellectual quaker from nantucket.
    uncommonly conscientious for a seaman,and endued with a deep natural reverence,the wild watery loneliness of h** life did therefore strongly incline him to superstition;but to that sort of superstition,which in some organization seems rather to spring,somehow,from intelligence than from ignorance.[h]** far-away domestic memories of h** young cape wife and child,tend[ed]to bend him.from the original ruggedness of h** nature,and open him still further to those latent influences which,in some honest-hearted men,restrain the gush of dare-devil daring,so often evinced by others in the perilous vic**situdes of the f**hery."i will h**e no man in my boat,"said starbuck,"who ** not afraid of a whale."by th**,he seemed to mean,not only that the most reliable and useful courage was that which ar**es from the fair estimation of the encountered peril,but that an utterly fearless man ** a far dangerous comrade than a coward.
    little ** said about starbuck's early life,except that he ** married with a son.unlike ahab's wife,who remains nameless,starbuck gives h** wife's name as mary.such ** h** desire to return to them,that when nearly reaching the last leg of their quest for moby dick,he considers arresting or even killing ahab with a loaded musket,one of several which ** kept by ahab(in a previous chapter ahab threatening starbuck with one when d**obeying him,despite starbuck being in the right)and turning the ship back,straight for home.
    starbuck ** alone among the crew in objecting to ahab's quest,declaring it madness to want revenge on an animal,which lacks reason.starbuck advocates continuing the mundane pursuit of whales for their oil.but he lacks the support of the crew in h** opposition to ahab,and ** unable to persuade them to turn back.despite h** m**givings,he feels himself bound by h** obligations to obey the captain.
    starbuck was an important quaker family name on nantucket **land,and there were several actual whalemen of th** period named"starbuck,"as evidenced by the name of starbuck **land in the south pacific whaling grounds.the multinational coffee chain starbucks was named after starbuck,not for any affinity for coffee but after the name pequod was rejected by one of the co-founders.
    stubb,the second mate of the pequod,** from cape cod,and always seems to h**e a pipe in h** mouth and a **ile on h** face."good-humored,easy,and careless,he presided over h** whaleboat as if the most deadly encounter were but a dinner,and h** crew all invited guests."(moby-dick,ch.27)although he ** not an educated man,stubb ** remarkably articulate,and during whale hunts keeps up an imaginative patter remin**cent of that of some characters in shakespeare.scholarly portrayals range from that of an optim**tic simpleton to a paragon of lived philosophic w**dom.[18]
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