
岚月樱 岚月樱
  • 大块甜菠萝 大块甜菠萝

    合计430 个。以下为除主城任务的任务名称:(写不下了)
    风暴来临之前(before the storm)
    寒落山峰(bleak falls barrow)
    龙之崛起(dragon r**ing)
    吼声之道(the way of the voice)
    约根·唤风者号角(the horn of jurgen windcaller)
    黑暗中的利刃(a blade in the dark)
    外交豁免(diplomatic immunity)
    走投无路的鼠辈(a cornered rat)
    奥杜因之墙(alduin;s wall)
    世界之喉(the throat of the world)
    上古知识(elder knowledge)
    奥杜因克星(alduin;s bane)
    无尽的季节(season unending)
    陨灭者(the fallen)
    世界吞噬者之巢(the world-eater;s eyrie)
    调查吟游诗人学院(investigate the bards college)
    薪火相传(tending the flames)
    芳恩的鲁特琴(finn;s lute)
    潘提亚的长笛(pantea;s flute)
    荣恩的鼓(rjorn;s drum)
    参观冬堡学院(college objective quest)
    第一课(first lessons)
    萨塔尔之下(under saarthal)
    用功(hitting the books)
    善良本意(good intentions)
    揭开未知之谜(revealing the unseen)
    玛格努斯之杖(the staff of magnus)
    玛格努斯之眼(the eye of magnus)
    阿内尔的努力(arniel;s ende**or)
    布莱丽娜的练习(brelyna;s practice)
    扎格的实验(j;zargo;s experiment)
    昂蒙德的请求(onmund;s request)
    失衡(out of balance)
    重新加入学院(rejoining the college)
    瑟吉尔斯·图里亚努斯(sergius turrianus)的任务
    捎个附魔物品(enchanting pick-up)
    填充灵魂石(filling soul gems)
    进货灵魂石(restocking soul gems)
    流浪法师(rogue wizard)
    怅然若失的托夫迪尔(tolfdir the absent-minded)
    取回那本书!(fetch me that book!沙利多的见解(shalidor;s insights)
    改变系仪式咒语(alteration ritual spell)
    召唤系仪式咒语(conjuration ritual spell)
    毁灭系仪式咒语(destruction ritual spell)
    幻术系仪式咒语(** ritual spell)
    恢复系仪式咒语(restoraion ritual spell)
    拿起兵器(take up arms)
    荣耀的证明(proving honor)
    银手(the silver hand)
    鲜血的荣光(blood;s honor)
    纯粹的复仇(purity of revenge)
    死者的荣耀(glory of the dead)
    狩猎(animal extermination)
    狩猎(animal extermination)
    雇佣兵(hired muscle)
    天际省的问题(trouble in skyrim)
    传**(family heirloom)
    逃脱的罪犯(escaped criminal)
    营救任务(rescue m**sion)
    直击心脏(striking the heart)
    **计划(stealing plans)
    海尔辛图腾(totems of hircine)
    寻龙者(dragon seekers)
    推迟的葬礼(delayed burial)
    不再天真(innocence lost)
    如此患难之交…(with friends like these)
    永不哀恸(mourning never comes)
    黑暗中的低语(wh**pers in the dark)
    打破寂静(the silence has been broken)
    至死不渝(bound until death)
    渗透(breaching security)
    治愈疯狂(the cure for madness)
    灾难的良方(recipe for d**aster)recipe在这里明明是菜谱啊
    弑王(to kill an empire)
    死神化身(death incarnate)
    西帝斯万岁!(hail sith**!你没看错,最后有个减号,我认为这是汉化的bug
    契约:杀死纳菲(kill narfi)
    契约:杀死贝提尤德(kill beitild)
    契约:杀死恩诺迪尤斯·帕尤斯(kill ennodius papius)
    契约:杀死赫恩(kill hern)
    契约:杀死卢布克(kill lurbuk)
    契约:杀死蒂库斯(kill deekus)
    契约:杀死玛;兰德鲁-约(kill ma;randru-jo)
    契约:杀死阿诺利亚斯(kill anoriath)
    契约:杀死阿尼斯(kill agn**)
    契约:杀死毛乌瑞尔(kill maluril)
    契约:杀死黑尔瓦德(kill helvard)
    契约:杀死萨非亚(kill safia)
    摧毁黑暗兄弟会!(destroy the dark brotherhood!你要把敌人的头颅挂在哪里…(where you hang your enemy;s head)
    为你的家族带来荣誉(honor thy family)
    永远的黑暗兄弟会(the dark brotherhood forever)
    拿取隐藏的宝藏(take the hidden treasure)
    找到老刺客(locate the assassin of old)
    加入军团(joining the legion)
    锯齿王冠(the jagged crown)
    带给雪漫城的信息(** to whiterun)
    雪漫城之战(battle for whiterun)
    天际省的再统一(reunification of skyrim)
    虚假的前线(a false front)
    丹斯塔德堡垒之战(the battle for fort dunstad)
    准备献礼(compelling tribute)
    绿墙堡垒之战(the battle for fort greenwall)
    卡斯塔夫堡垒的营救(rescue from fort kast**)
    阿莫尔堡垒之战(the battle for fort amol)
    风盔城之战(battle for windhelm)
    加入风暴斗篷(joining the stormcloaks)
    锯齿王冠(the jagged crown)
    带给雪漫城的消息(** to whiterun)
    雪漫城之战(battle for whiterun)
    解放天际省(liberation of skyrim)
    纽格拉堡垒的营救(rescue from fort neugrad)
    准备献礼(compelling tribute)
    阳光花园堡垒之战(the battle for fort sungard)
    虚假的前线(a false front)
    雪鹰堡垒之战(the battle for fort snowhawk)
    卡斯塔夫堡垒之战(the battle for fort kast**)
    哈格斯塔德堡垒之战(the battle for fort hraggstad)
    独孤城之战(battle for solitude)
    偶然的安排(a chance arrangement)
    照顾生意(taking care of business)
    清楚明晰(loud and clear)
    沮丧的灵魂(dampened spirits)
    无赖的玩笑(scoundrel;s folly)
    尽在不言中(speaking with silence)
    艰难的回答(hard answers)
    追捕(the pursuit)
    三人组恢复(trinity restored)
    黑暗回归(darkness returns)
    **任务(the bedkam job)
    钓鱼任务(the f**hing job)
    改帐本任务(the numbers job)
    **任务(the burglary job)
    **任务(the shill job)
    清扫任务(the sweep job)
    **任务(the he**t job)
    想方设法(no stone unturned)
    新官上任(under new management)
    玩弄死者(toying with the dead)
    盗贼行会虎人商队销赃任务(thieves guild car**an fence quest)
    黑色星辰(the black star)阿祖拉(azura)0
    勃耶希亚的召唤(boethiah;s calling)勃耶希亚(boethiah)30
    魔族的挚友(a daedra;s best friend)卡拉威库斯·维尔(cl**icus vile)11
    见识超凡(d**cerning the tran**undane)赫麦尤斯·莫拉(hermaeus mora)15
    月光下再见(ill met by moonlight)
    被诅咒的部落(the cursed tribe)
    过去的片段(pieces of the past)
    低语之门(the wh**pering door)
    破晓(the break of dawn)
    恐惧之屋(the house of horrors)
    死亡的意味(the taste of death)
    黑暗回归(darkness returns)
    唯一的治疗**物(the only cure)
    值得铭记之夜(a night to remember)
    疯狂的思想(the mind of madness)
    恶梦苏醒(waking nightmare)
    凯恩的神圣试炼(kyne;s sacred trials)
    大自然的祝福(the blessings of nature)
    爱情之书(the book of love)
    迪贝拉之心(the heart of dibella)




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