

天堂羽 天堂羽
  • 吱吱 吱吱

    禁止盔甲(forbidden armor)套装
    ancient horn(蜥蜴坐骑)
    onyx blaster(**)
    sky fracture(剑)
    mandible blade(武器)
    神灯(spirit flame,武器
    化妆镜(pocket mirror,饰品)
    神灵诅咒(djinn's curse,时装)
    拉弥亚套装(lamia vanity)
    古版拉弥亚套装(ancient vanity)
    沙漠神灯(desert spirit lamp,神灯的合成材料)
    魔法砂滴管(magic sand dropper)
    沙尘暴音乐盒(sandstorm music box)
    sand poachers(沙漠大蝎子)现在会释出毒液攻击
    dune splicers(沙漠大蠕虫)现在有更多的hp和防御
    dune splicers和tomb crawlers(两种沙漠蠕虫)现在更具攻击性,尤其是沙尘暴天气
    terraria 1.3.3 ** live today!community announcements-loki **p
    greetings terrarians!the latest in our series of updates to terraria has officially gone live to everyone th** morning!as with all past updates,th** new content ** absolutely free to everyone that owns terraria on pc/mac/linux.
    check out the changelog below for a taste of what now awaits within and beneath the swirling sands.
    (spoiler warning,of course,if you would rather d**cover things on your own)
    a new weather event has been added,sandstorms!with it come new enemies,new loot,a new soundtrack,and a unique experience in the desert biome!blizzards now h**e a new v**ual effect
    deserts and the underworld now h**e a heat d**tortion v**ual effect.
    dripping sand effects can be found in the desert,and placed anywhere by the player with the magic sand dropper!new items
    added the forbidden armor set
    added ancient horn(basil**k mount)
    added onyx blaster
    added sky fracture
    added mandible blade
    added spirit flame
    added pocket mirror
    added djinn's curse
    added lamia vanity set
    added the ancient vanity set
    added desert spirit lamp
    added magic sand dropper
    added sandstorm music box!and several new banners!gameplay changes
    sand poachers now inflict the venom debuff
    dune splicers now h**e hp and defense
    dune splicers and tomb crawlers may be aggressive,especially during sandstorms.
    added a new block mining v**ual effect
    added multiplayer performance improvements
    upped spawn rates in underground desert
    bug fixes
    fixed sliders in the gamepad settings not being"locked on"when dragged around
    fixed certain textures loading wrong at random,and producing weird artifacts
    fixed underground desert worms being too rare
    fixed portal gun secondary fire conflicting with grappling hooks on gamepad
    fixed a number of exploits
    fixed rain,water,and l**a sounds pers**ting when the game window ** inactive
    fixed drills shooting confetti at supersonic speeds when under the effects of flask of party
    as always,we thank each of you for your support!once we get any needed hotfixes up for th** latest update,we will be right back in the lab and hard at work on what's coming up next.stay tuned for on that




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