

小一尘 小一尘
  • 亲蜜baby 亲蜜baby

    1。escaping the maze[the road splits in two,but only one leads to the east side forest。find the exit]
    1。the soldier's letter[the injured soldier handed a letter,requesting it be delivered to the town mayor。let's look for a nearby town]
    2。maintaining peace[trolls h**e been lu**ng near the town,causing unrest。let's take care of 8troll warriors per the mayor's request]tips:打8只牛魔王。维护和平[巨魔一直躲在附近的小镇,可能引起社会动荡。让我们照顾8巨魔战士,市长的请求)
    提交任务后,又要打牛魔王 15只。这是重复任务。3。cursed man[mr。smith returned th** moring with a curse。purchase a status healing potion from the dark merchant in front of the inn at 2am and give it to mr。smith]完成**:mr。smith
    4。a child's request[sharon's pet kukuri d**appeared in the forest to the east。let's find kukuri]
    一个孩子的请求[莎朗的宠物kukuri消失在森林的东面。让我们找kukuri)tips:东边深林的鸡 5。angela's request[the innkeeper's son ** injured。purchase a health potion(l)from the item merchant and deliver it to the innkeeper。安琪的请求[客栈老板的儿子受伤了。购买一个健康**剂(l)从项目商人,把它送到客栈老板。tips:把手机时间调成 22:00 到 03:00 区间,然后跑到深林再回来,就发现那个商人在客栈旁边。6。hero's war[gladiator jackson has tons of experience and should be of help。find gladiator jackson and speak to him。英雄的战争[角斗士杰克逊吨的经验和应帮助。发现角斗士杰克逊和他讲话。7。a need for bronze[it's farming season,and there **n't enough bronze to cover all the farming gear orders。obtain 10 bronze ore]
    这是农业的季节,没有足够的青铜能够覆盖整个农业齿轮的命令。获得10铜矿石 tips:锄石头收集10铜矿石
    8。weapon combine[runedust from w**ps。shard of darkness from hunters。create a mana stone with these and give to the black**ith]
    武器结合[从小精灵(光球)得到runedust、从猎人得到shard of dakness。创建一个魔法石与这些给铁匠]tips:合成magic stone,在eraesforesteast打光球得到runedust,在eraesforestsouthwest打拿着炮的怪得到shard of dakness。然后去铁匠那点第二项合成。(记得放入deluxe magic dust)
    1。refining and strenthening[speak to the blacksith of deva castle and talk to him about refining and strengthening]
    2。material production[a mana stone ** needed to help create weapons for war。let's create a mana stone]
    材料生产[魔法石是有需要的,以帮助制造。战争。让我们创建一个魔法石]tips:mana stone=mystic dust(第五章隐藏的地穴的甲虫爆出)+shard of chaos(第五章城外的小鸡爆出)(记得放magic dust)
    3。legend of the hero[the bard seems to want a mana potion(l)in exchange for stories。let's get him one and see what he has to say]
    传说中的英雄[诗人看上去想要法力**水(l),以换取更多的书。让我们给他一个,看看他要说什么]tips:去商店买一个魔法**水(l)给eze。4。revenge for my parents[in revenge for h** parents。kid requested the siaying of 10 troll priest in western adoram forest。oblige him]
    5。meat from the dragon turtles near the area]很难找到食物[使用城市的入口过去adon**镇,并从龙龟上收集10只甲鱼肉]
    6。training recruits[when first entering the royal guard,one must go through basic training。capture 10 dark lycans and prove your worth!训练新兵[当第一次进入皇家卫士,一个人必须经过基本训练。捕捉10 黑暗狼证明你的价值!7。the den of trials[as the final step for basic training,speak to the den of trials attendent]书房里的实验[作为最后一步为基本训练,说到书房attendent试验]tips:就是跑到看塔门卫那说话。8。cold as ice[extracting maximum beverage taste requres 10 pieces of could ice。frozen knights should h**e them]
    9。kan's request[the letter of recommendation needed for kan to join the royal guard can be obtained by ass**ting head guard zeratus]
    kan的要求[带上kan需要的推荐信,加入皇家卫兵。得到帮助zeratus头部防护装置]tips:collect letter of recommendation{会在第四章的时候完成}
    10。zeratus'request[zeratus requested the capture of 10 sa**nders for the letter of recommendation。let's go hunting]
    zeratu's要求[zeratus要求获得10火蜥蜴换一封推荐信]tips:会在第四章的时候完成 11。natural medicine[c**ebloom flower ** rumored to grow in th** c**e。find it and give it to nicky to help the wounded troops]
    天然**物[有传闻说,c**ebloom花生长在这个**里。找到他,把它交给nicky帮助受伤的部队]tips:采花(位置:**boss房前一个地图左上角。12。toasty winter coat[the lengthy war has the troops running low on supplies,namely warm clothing。let's deliver 15 pieces of sasquatch leather。烘烤的冬衣[冗长的战争**供应不足的情况,即暖和的衣服。让我们拯救15块野人皮革]tips:打雪人出的皮革
    1。restoring adoram forest[defeat 15 bone soldiers]
    1。blast from the past(1)[duped by a thief again!come back here with my money!wait til iget my hands on you。过去的blast[被一个小偷骗了!带上我的钱回来这里 tips:就是过去找luke
    2。blast from the past(2)[meet battered]完成的**:adas tips:回到adon**town找adas,就可以了。3。a mother's request[morian's son momo headed into the forest and never came out。let's find him,he could be in danger]
    一个母亲的请求[morian为首的儿子momo到森林里不出来了。让我们找到他的时候,他会是很危险的]tips:去地牢在最后打boss的分岔路找到。4。strange happenings[monsters seem to be increasing everywhere。something's definitely wrong。let's slay 15 angry slimes to calm the town]
    5。protect momo[suddenly monsters everywhere!protect momo and safely exit together。保护momo[突然怪物无处不在!momo和安全保护共同存在。(就是**5只锤子牛)
    1。material production(repeatable[)more weapons are needed。let's create 3 mana stones。材料的生产[就是多生产3个mana stones(这是重复任务)]
    2。a young girl's w**h[she hasn't heard from him ever since he left for battle。let's deliver the letter to her hu**and in aria castle。一个年轻女孩的愿望[自从他丈夫战斗,她没听到他的消息了。让我们把信给她的在aria(咏叹)城堡的丈夫]
    3。blast from the past(3)[it turns out those shoes were alimited collection,made from rare cyclops leather。let's get 10 pieces of cyciops leather from north of aria castle]
    过去的blast(3)[原来那些鞋子是由独眼巨人皮革弄成的。让我们从城堡北边弄10块皮革]tips:adas在adon** town
    4。extingu**hing the flame[luke claims to h**e found the source of the adoram forest fires。defeat 20 evil flames to quell the flames]
    熄灭火焰[路加福音声称已经发现adoram的来源的森林。打败邪恶的火焰20来平息这场大火]5。extingu**hing the flame[in an effort to bring back adoram forest's past beauty,let's hunt 30 evil flames。熄灭火焰[为了带回adoram森林的美丽,让我们过去30邪恶狩猎火焰。(重复)
    6。preparing for war[a war ** brewing。bolstering our ranks require the finest weapons made of mithril。deliver 10 mithril ore]
    准备战争[一场战争正在酝酿之中。支持我们的队伍需要最好的武器拿的。收集10个mithril矿]tips:mithri ore 在scorched forest north中锄石头得到。7。preparing for war[they say failure ** the moter of success。let's get 20 mithril ore]tips:就是20个mithril矿石(重复)
    8。conveying the **[for leon to write a return letter aria,he requires peace and quiet。slaying 15 rhinotaurs should quiet things down]
    传话[为leon写回邮信封咏叹调外,他需要安静和平和。杀死15 rhinotaurs应该安静下来]tips:就是去aria castle alley打铁甲牛。9。the hidden dungeon tablet[a tablet in the dungeon ** said to expiain the secrets of the hidden dungeon。let's give it to searcher if we find it]
    10。mono's necklace[th** necklace seems like something momo would h**e。let's deliver it to him]momo的项链[这条项链看起来像是momo的。让我们把它送到他]momo在deva castle square(past)
    11。puppy love[aria ** sure to be waiting。let's deliver leon's letter to her,it should make her happy]
    puppy的爱[aria肯定在等待。让我们送leon的信给她,让她开心。12。blast from the past(4)[finally got a pair of special collection adas shoes。let's head to deva castle of the past to give to luke]
    13。strange old man[ramus appeared from nowhere only to be attacked by an assassin。let's s**e him]
    支线:1。restoring coeiraum[coelraum needs liberation from the occupying dark forces。slay 20 king necromancers]
    2。coelraum reconstruction[reconstructing coelraum ** going to require a lot of materials,especially tombstones。slay white gargoyles for 20 tombstones]
    3。he**enly judgment[her friends fell to giant worms。slay 30 giant worms in cold retribution]




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