
yinhs4 yinhs4
  • 夜未央 夜未央

    elite beam-029e
    elite shooting-029f
    kai kai-028c
    strike of revelation-028b
    prelude to destruction-028a
    eternal charge-026e#装备后进入不了pq战斗场景
    diabolic cyclone-026d
    diabolic mine-026c
    beam rifle-0258
    meteor crash-0254
    meteor strike-0253
    meteor blow-0252
    maximum charge-0251
    full power charge-0250
    energy charge-024f
    energy shot-024e
    tricky strike-021e
    boiling ball-021d
    energy cannon-021c
    rage saucer-0216※
    bloody saucer-0215※
    darkness mixer-0214※带※的是德米古拉正常状态技能 话说boss的集气就是快!seasoning arrow-0213
    time shackles-0212
    present for you-020a
    rolling hercule punch-0209
    dynamite kick-0208
    bluff kamehameha-01ff
    big bang kamehameha-01fe
    dragon thunder-01f6
    whirlwhind blade-01f5
    dragon flash bullet-01f4
    fighting sun-01ef
    burst reflection-01ed
    burst attack-01eb
    ice field-01e5
    ice claw-01e3
    freezing beam-01e1
    boulder break-01ba
    boulder toss-01b9
    great ape beam-01b8
    dancing parapara-01a6
    prepare to be pun**hed-01a5
    feint shot-01a4
    god of destruction's wrath-019c
    god of destruction's rampage-019b
    god of destruction's anger-019a
    gigantic slam-0192
    gigantic omega-o191
    blaster shell-0190
    split finger shot-0188
    pressure sign-0187
    big bang attack-0186
    super ghost kamikaze attack-017e
    galactic donuts-017d
    die die m**sle barrage-017c
    pearl flash-0175
    quick sleep-0174
    van**hing ball-0173
    majin kamehameha-0172
    iii rain-016a
    iii bomber-01**
    iii flash-0168
    explosive buu buu punch-0162
    zigzag express-0161
    angry hit-0160
    innocence cannon-015f
    innocence bullet-015e
    hawk charge-0156
    eagle kick-0155
    justice rush-0154
    perect shot-0138
    gr**ity impact-0137
    all clear-0136
    deadly dance-012e
    endless shoot-012d
    power blitz-012c
    hyper drain-0127
    super drain-0126
    drain charge-0125
    thunder eraser-0124
    drain field-0123
    flash bomber-0122
    smile charge-011a
    freedom kick-0119
    side bridge-0118
    final cannon-0110
    double buster-010f
    finsih buster-010e
    burning slash-0109
    shining slash-0108
    change the future-0106
    god breaker-0105
    burning attack-0104
    death slicer-0f4
    death crasher-0f3
    death slash-0f2
    death psyco bomb-0f1
    death beam-0f0
    emperor's sign-0e6
    fighting pose f-0df
    milky cannon-0de
    holstein shock-0dd
    fighting pose a-0dc
    fighting pose g-0d5
    fighting pose b-0d4
    sauzer blade-0d3
    crusher ball-0d2
    fighting pose k-0cc
    fighting pose j-0cb
    fighting pose e-0ca
    recoome kick-0c9
    recoome eraser gun-0c8
    mach kick-0c1
    mach punch-0c0
    fighting pose i-0bf
    fighting pose d-0be
    fighting pose h-0b8
    fighting pose c-0b7
    guldo fighting pose-0b6
    time control-0b4
    shine shot-0a3
    fin**h breaker-0a2
    flash strike-0a1
    galick gun-0a0
    arm crash-098
    genocide shell-097
    bomber dx-096
    shining friday-084
    saturday crash-083
    double sunday-082
    spirit boost-07d
    r**e to action-07c
    solar flare-07b
    volleyball f**t-07a
    tri beam-079
    dodon ray-078
    fake death-074
    ki blast thrust-06f
    wolf fang f**t-06e
    cross arm drive-06b
    lullaby punch-06a
    turtle style last rescort-0**
    x20 kaioken-068
    x3 kaioken-067
    orin combo-064
    evil eyes-05e
    light grenade-05d
    evil flight strike-05c
    wall defense-05b
    evil explosion-05a
    justice pose-052
    ki blast cannon-051
    burst rush-050
    evil whirlwind-047
    super dragon flight-046
    evil r**e strike-03d
    evil ray strike-03c
    consecutive energy blast-034
    stone buller-033
    power pole-02c
    power pole combo-02b
    power pole-02a
    sc**sors rapper kick-029
    kamekameha boost-028
    x10 kamekameha-015
    afterimage strike-014
    super guard-00e
    tyrant lancer-00c
    rebellion spear-00b
    riot j**elin-00a
    spirit bomb tower(time patroller specific)-005
    instant tran****sion-004
    super dragon f**t-003
    super god f**t-002
    我补充下部分ultimate skill代码,赛亚人3哟
    超级赛亚人 1389
    超级赛亚人2 138a
    超级赛亚人3 138b#其实这个不好用啊
    超级贝吉塔 1428
    final flash 1429
    超级贝吉塔2 142a




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Copyright 2009-2020 Chengdu Sanzilewan Technology Co.,Ltd all rights reserve

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