
2121ed 2121ed
  • 旺仔永存 旺仔永存

    电影《猫鼠游戏》里的插曲。oh,come on try to catch me
    oh,catch me if you can
    oh,come on try to catch me
    oh,catch me if you can
    look out
    it's time the world was ready
    for a new thing
    it's time i got ahead
    get fit
    nothin's gonna stop me
    and i won't quit til
    i'm sittin' on the top
    i'll never give when the going gets rough
    i know i'm gonna make it through
    so just trying will never be enough
    i'll show you there's nothing that
    i can't do
    oh,come on try to catch me
    oh,catch me if you can
    oh,come on try to catch me
    oh,catch me if you can
    come on,come on catch me now
    catch me pokemon
    can you come on catch me,can you now
    you can't catch me anyhow
    get up
    let's see what you're made of
    bring it on,you know i'm not afraid
    there's no way you can slow me down now
    it's time to show you what i'm all about
    i'll never give when the going gets rough
    i know i'm gonna make it through
    so just trying will never be enough
    angela via
    i'll show you there's nothing that
    i can't do
    oh,come on try to catch me
    oh,catch me if you can
    oh,come on try to catch me
    oh,catch me if you can
    oh,come on try to catch me
    (catch me now)
    oh,catch me if you can
    (come on come on catch me now)
    oh,come on try to catch me
    (come catch me now)
    oh,catch me if you can
    (you can't catch me anyhow)
    it's so close
    i can almost taste it(taste it)
    there's no way i'll ever look back
    it's so hard
    but stoppin's not an option
    i'm gonna keep on,keep on
    cuz i believe in me
    come on,come on catch me now
    catch me pokemon
    can you come and catch me can you now
    you can't catch me anyhow
    come on,come on catch me now
    catch me pokemon
    can you come and catch me can you now
    (catch me)
    you can't catch me anyhow
    come on,come on catch me now
    (oh,catch me if you)
    catch me pokemon
    can you come and catch me can you now
    you can't catch me anyhow
    (oh,catch me if you can)
    come on,come on catch me now
    (oh catch me if you)
    catch me pokemon
    can you come and catch me can you now
    (catch me)
    catch me if you can
    oh,come on try to catch me(oh)
    oh,catch me if you can
    oh,come on try to catch me
    oh,catch me if you can
    oh,come on try to catch me
    (catch me now)(come on and catch me)
    oh,catch me if you can
    (come on come on catch me now)(if you can)
    oh,come on try to catch me
    (come catch me now)(catch me,catch me)
    oh,catch me if you can
    (you can't catch me anyhow)
    oh,come on try to catch me
    (come on,come on,catch me now)
    (let's see what your made of)
    oh,catch me if you can
    (catch me pokemon)(if you can)
    oh,come on try to catch me
    (can you come and catch me,
    can you now)(never give up)
    oh,catch me if you can
    (you can't catch me anyhow)(oh,yeah)
    oh,come on try to catch me
    (come on,come on,catch me now)(oooooo)oh,catch me if you can
    (catch me pokemon)(yeah)
    oh,come on try to catch me
    (can you come and catch me,
    can you now)(come on)
    oh,catch me if you can

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