
Lindsey36 Lindsey36
  • 我的梦呀 我的梦呀

    batman wayne ** an orphan,the usual he ** a charity billionaire,when he put on the bat clothing,he became sin conquerors,the embodiment of justice-batman.h** superb skills to h** feet can,through the dark city,hangxiazhangyi,maintain good citizens.and the city and some people,live in obscure corner hostile to good,virtue,was headed for their hu,psychological dark criminals"clown".the beauty of the journal**ts will reverence batman hero acts,and batman and there was a beautiful love.the results,of course,** the triumph of good over evil,batman beat"clown".
    th** film ** burton to become a hollywood director of first-class key work,and for hollywood blockbuster cartoon of popular again laid a foundation.the film has been shot down,to become a hollywood blockbuster series of one of the few.the director of the film at burton create rich v**ual effect,and the influence of the cartoon blockbuster piece after a lot of style.可能有一些不足,你修改一下




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