

芸豆 芸豆
  • 杜怡 杜怡

    clarity potion 小净化**水
    healing salve 大血瓶
    ancient tango of essifation 吃树
    bottle 瓶子
    observer wards 假眼
    sentry wards 真眼
    dust of appearance 显影尘
    courier 小鸡
    scroll of town portal 回程
    gloves of haste 加速手套
    maske of death 死亡面具
    ring of regeneration 回复戒指
    kelen's dagger **
    sobi mask 艺人面罩
    boots of speed 鞋子
    gem of true sight 真视宝石
    planeswalker's cloak 魔抗斗篷
    magic stick 小魔棒
    tali**an of evasion 闪避护符
    ghost scepter 幽魂权杖
    gauntlets of strength 拳头
    slippers of agility 袜子
    mantle of intelligence 智力斗篷
    ironwood branch 树枝
    belt of giant strength 巨人力量腰带
    boots of elecenskin 精灵皮靴
    robe of the magi 法师长袍
    circlet of nobility 贵族圆环
    ogre axe 食人斧子
    blade of alacrity 欢欣之刃
    staff of wizardry 魔力法杖
    ultimate orb 极限法球
    blades of attack 爪子
    broadsward 阔剑
    quarterstaff 短棍
    claymore 大剑
    ring of protection 守护指环
    stout shield 圆盾
    j**elin 标**
    mithril hammer 秘银锤
    chainmail 锁子甲
    helm of iron will 铁意
    plate mail 板甲
    quelling blade 补刀斧
    boots of tr**el 飞鞋
    phase boots 相位靴
    power treads 假腿
    hand of midas 点金
    oblivion staff 空明杖
    perseverance **球
    poor man's shield 穷鬼盾
    bracer 护腕
    wraith band 系带
    ** tali**an 无用挂件
    magic wand 大魔杖
    mekan** 梅肯
    vladm**t's offering 祭品
    arcane ring 密法
    flying courier 鸟
    nathrezim buckler 玄冥盾牌
    ring of basilius 圣殿
    khadgar's ripe of insight 卡加长笛
    headdress of rejuvenation 回复头巾
    guinsoo's scythe of vyse 羊刀
    orchid malevolence 紫苑
    eul's scepter of divinity 吹风
    force staff 弹射法杖
    dagon 红杖
    necronomicon 40书
    aghanim's scepter a杖
    refresher orb 刷新球
    assault cuirass 强袭
    hearts of tarrasque 魔龙心
    black king bar 黑黄
    aeg** of the immortal 不朽盾
    shiva's guard 冰甲
    bloodstone 血精
    linken's sphere 林肯法球
    vanguard 先锋盾
    blade mail 刃甲
    soul booster 镇魂石
    hood of defiance 挑战头巾
    sange and yasha 对剑
    satanic 撒旦
    mjollnir 雷神
    eye of skadi 冰眼
    sange 散华
    yasha 夜叉
    helm of the dominator 支配
    mealstrom 漩涡
    staygian desolator 暗灭
    mask of madness 疯狂面具
    diffusal blade 散失
    divine rapier 圣剑
    monkey king bar 猴王棒
    radiance 辉耀
    the butterfly 蝴蝶
    buriza-do kyanon 大炮
    craniom bsher 碎骨锤
    battle fury 狂战拯救世界
    manta style 分身斧
    crystalys 水晶剑
    armlet of mordiggian 鬼手
    lothar's edge 洛萨
    demon edge 恶魔刀锋
    messerschemidt's re**er 大斧
    sacred relic 遗物
    hyper stone 振奋
    ring of health 回复指环
    void stone 虚无宝石
    mystic staff 神秘法杖
    energy booster 能量之球
    point booster 精气之球
    vitality booster 活力之球




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