

大风起兮 大风起兮
  • 张南墨 张南墨

    you want to see the most beautiful thing
    i've ever filmed?it was one of those days.-
    where it's a minute
    away from snowing,-
    and there was th** electricity
    in the air.-
    you can almost hear it.-
    right?and th** bag was just.-
    dancing with me,-
    like a little kid
    begging me to play with it,-
    for 15 minutes.-
    that's the day i realized
    that there was th**.-
    entire life behind things.-
    and th** incredibly
    benevolent force.-that wanted me to know that there
    was no reason to be afraid.-ever.-
    video's a poor excuse,i know,-
    but it helps me remember.-
    i need to remember.-
    sometimes there's so much.-beauty.-in the world.-i feel like
    i can't take it.-
    and my heart.-** just going to.-
    c**e in.




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