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  • 酱欧尼 酱欧尼

    nowadays,with the development of city’s construction,there are and skyscrapers in our city—shanghai.they come in all styles and make a modern image of shanghai.
    it ** true that the skyscrapers s**e room on the ground.th** ** the most important facet in a busy and crowded city like shanghai.there can live hundreds of times people in skyscrapers than in ordinary houses.besides,with so many skyscrapers in different styles—such as the glass-walled one,the lighted ones,stay together with layout,the city ** becoming and beautiful.
    however,like every coin has two sides,there ** also some side-effects of skyscrapers.with skyscrapers,there may be people in one area,so finding an unloading lot can become much harder than before.and too many skyscrapers can also damage the environment because skyscrapers need electricity than ordinary ones.moreover,people live in skyscrapers may face the problem of escaping when the skyscrapers are on fire.
    in conclusion,the skyscrapers h**e both advantages and d**advantages.we should not build as many skyscrapers as we can but try to build them cautiously and make then in control.




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