
非凡 非凡
  • 水杯 水杯

    我认为有一种说法比较好:long term relationship,长久关系,非一夜情
    acronym definition
    ltr later
    ltr letter
    ltr lady to ride
    ltr laser target rangefinder
    ltr laser transmitter receiver(lantirn)
    ltr lead technical representative
    ltr learn to return
    ltr left to right
    ltr level term rider(life insurance)
    ltr library technology reports(american library association publication)
    ltr licensing topical report
    ltr licensing topical reports
    ltr lifetime r**k
    ltr light tactical raft
    ltr light transm**sion ratio
    ltr little theatre of the rockies
    ltr load task reg**ter
    ltr local tr**el report(amsec)
    ltr logic trunked radio(trunked two-way radio)
    ltr log**tics training review
    ltr long term relationship
    ltr long term requirement
    ltr long term research
    ltr long term romance
    ltr long terminal repeat
    ltr long-term return rate(tl 9000)
    ltr loop transfer recovery
    ltr loss of therapeutic response(drug efficacy)
    ltr lossless trace reduction
    ltr love trust respect
    ltr loving tender relationship
    ltr lower troposphere radar
    ltr lower trunk rotation(physical therapy)




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