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    求生之路2:1、医药包:通过所有5项战役。2、bull shifters衬衫:赢得10场清道夫模式游戏。3、left 4 dead 2衬衫:赢得10场对抗模式。4、zombie hand衬衫:在l4d2中杀掉10,000个感染者。5、depeche mode衬衫:在黑色嘉年华中解救gnome chpmpski。6、l4d2帽子:完成dlc“the passing”战役。7、gonme:mutation模式,6场战役打一遍。(貌似是)scrap metal:1、scrap metal衬衫:完成训练关。2、scrap metal遥控车:完成单人游戏所有任务。toy soldiers:1、m 1917防毒面具:完成训练关。2、德国尖头军盔:完成战役游戏。mlb 2k10:1、mlb 2k10 jersey:get called up to the mlb in my player mode.2、2k sports jersey:win a game without simulation in any mode.3、evan longoria jersey:win the best firlder award in franch**e or my player mode.4、mlb 2k10 batting helmet:hit a grand slam.5、mlb 2k10 bat&ball:win the batting title in my player mode or hit 150 hr with your profile.lazy raiders:1、挖骨头博士的服饰:完成训练关。2、挖骨头博士的帽子:.求生之路2:1、医药包:通过所有5项战役。2、bull shifters衬衫:赢得10场清道夫模式游戏。3、left 4 dead 2衬衫:赢得10场对抗模式。4、zombie hand衬衫:在l4d2中杀掉10,000个感染者。5、depeche mode衬衫:在黑色嘉年华中解救gnome chpmpski。6、l4d2帽子:完成dlc“the passing”战役。7、gonme:mutation模式,6场战役打一遍。(貌似是)scrap metal:1、scrap metal衬衫:完成训练关。2、scrap metal遥控车:完成单人游戏所有任务。toy soldiers:1、m 1917防毒面具:完成训练关。2、德国尖头军盔:完成战役游戏。mlb 2k10:1、mlb 2k10 jersey:get called up to the mlb in my player mode.2、2k sports jersey:win a game without simulation in any mode.3、evan longoria jersey:win the best firlder award in franch**e or my player mode.4、mlb 2k10 batting helmet:hit a grand slam.5、mlb 2k10 bat&ball:win the batting title in my player mode or hit 150 hr with your profile.lazy raiders:1、挖骨头博士的服饰:完成训练关。2、挖骨头博士的帽子:夺取所有16个历史遗物。halo waypoint:1、odst hoodie:解锁odst“dark times”成就。2、odst shirt:解锁odst“tour**t”成就。3、halo waypoint monitor:貌似进halo waypoint就能解。4、recon helmet:解锁odst“vidmaster endure”成就。5、odst helmet:解锁odst“campaign complete”成就。6、odst armor:解锁odst“good samaritan”成就。在使用菜鸟odst时不杀死任何星盟工程师**也不算是你杀的!7、halo spartan eva helmet:解锁50个career milestone。脱狱潜龙3(感谢kenhufly提供)1.protect the innocent:在第一关卡的演播室救下4名人质。奖励游戏logo长袖t恤,有8种颜色可选 2.brawler:不开枪完成任一关卡,难度不限,建议第一或者第二关卡。奖励gcpd**短袖t恤,有5种颜色可选 3.fin**h him shadow:在officer难度以上,任意关卡和狗狗用联合攻击杀死20名敌人。(用枪打残,然后派狗狗咬死)奖励jack与shadowt恤,有5种颜色可选 4.best cop th** city's ever had:officer难度以上通关。奖励gac盔甲 5.boom!在officer难度以上完成30次爆头 奖励gac头盔 aqua:1、指挥官衣服:liberate the lronwall battleship in the prologue 2、指挥官帽子:defeat the biotica progenia boss 荒野大镖客人偶奖励 posse t-shirt:unlocked when the multiplayer community reaches an unspecified amount of money in the strike it rich!rockstar challenge.在多人游戏the strike it rich中达到一个不确定的金钱总额后解开 red dead redemption logo t-shirt:open a chest northwest of riley's charge in a burnt down building.打开位于riley's charge西北方烧毁房屋内的宝箱获得 rockstar logo t-shirt:open a chest upstairs in the attic at the marston farm house at beecher's hope.打开位于beecher's hope中 marston farm房屋阁楼内的宝箱获得 sombrero:shoot the hat off of an enemy in expert aim mode.在专家瞄准模式中射掉一个敌人的帽子 gentleman's attire:complete the rockstar games social club"skin it to win it"challenge.在r星social club中完成"skin it to win it"挑战 lady's finest:complete the rockstar games social club"skin it to win it"challenge.在r星social club中完成"skin it to win it"挑战 展开




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