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    中文和英文版本。字数限制,只写了英文!first,electric car use environmental condition
    electric car when exwork uses by an examination.
    (1)main technical performance request
    (1)electric car highest speed should not be bigger than 20km/h.
    (2)electric car entire vehicle quality should not be bigger than 40kg.
    (3)electric car must h**e the good foot pedal to ride the good function.
    after a(4)electrically operated bicycle charge continues the course to be supposed not to be smaller than 25km.
    (5)electrically operated bicycle makes the electrically operated uniform speed rides when the line the no**e by the maximum speed to be supposed not to be bigger than 62db.
    (6)hundred kilometers electricity consume should not be bigger than 1.2kwh.
    (7)electrically operated bicycle electric motor fixed continuously output should not be bigger than 240w.
    (2)entire vehicle safety requirements
    (1)the maximum speed electric bicycles to electric ride,the dry braking d**tance should be not than 4m,wet braking d**tance should be not than 15m.
    (2)electric bicycle tire wheel width should be not than 54mm.frame/front*combination of the impact/shock strength of the r**er,the horizontal tubes,wheels,saddle,pedal should be in accordance with the prov**ions of gb3565-1993.
    (3)electric cars should be equipped with a headlight and reflector before and after reflector,side reflector,should be returned to its port after device installed.
    (4)the installation of electrical systems in place,the correct polarity,the system of electrical installations should comply with the requirements of gb3565-1993.current electrical wiring should be adapted to ensure that electrical safety can*ride.
    (5)of the electrical system to take water-res**tant measures,the system should not be used for exposed wiring,and electrical parts of the body shell should not be charged,the insulation res**tance value should be not less than 2mω.
    (6)of the battery electric bicycle should be a good seal.under normal conditions,the installation location,charge,d**charge,when there should be no leakage of fluid phenomena.the nominal battery voltage should be not than 48v.
    (7)electric bicycle brake power devices should be in the brake should be able to automatically cut off the power first.
    (8)electric bicycle controller should h**e the under-voltage,over-current protection function and short-circuit device.riding in the electric,the speed should be stable.
    (c)vehicle assembly requirements
    (1)electric bike models require assembly should not be installed the wrong equipment and leakage.
    (2)electric bicycle fastening the fasteners should be in place,the rotating parts should be flexible operation.
    (3)of the symmetric components in the frame center should be symmetrical face can not be significantly skewed.
    (4)variable-speed devices and the braking system should be fitted correctly,flexible manipulation.
    (5)electric bicycle fixed pieces of moving parts and does not allow grazing.
    (6)radial rim,beating the volume of a round face,with a rim前后轮*,frame-ping,li*on both sides of space relative deviation,relative deviation前后轮center surface are cons**tent with the prov**ions of gb/t3566-1993.
    (d)the appearance of vehicle requirements
    (1)electric bicycle parts of the exposed surface should be clean,no dirt,no rust,trademarks,decals should be complete,clear,correct position.
    (2)electric vehicle plastic parts of the color of the surface should be uniform,non-obvious edge,scratch,crack and sag.
    (3)of the plating over the exposed parts in line with the prov**ions of qb/t1217-1991.
    (4)over the exposed parts of the paint in line with the prov**ions of qb/t1218-1991.
    (5)pieces of aluminum alloy exposed in line with the prov**ions of qb/t1284-1995.
    (e)electric vehicle ** subject to 100km cycling road test
    during the trial process can not occur in all parts of the broken vehicle and electrical control system ** damaged or invalid parts.cycling can not afford to lose its electrical function.
    (vi)electric cars must be manual and h**e the following
    (1)read the manual carefully to understand the performance of electric bike before,do not use electric bicycles,not to lend will not manipulate people riding electric bike.
    (2)of the horizontal tubes,the r**ers,saddles,saddle tube and wheel torque fasteners should be tightened recommended:should be noted that the r**er pipe and the saddle of the safety line.
    (3)parts lubrication,lubrication oil lubrication cycle and recommended.
    (4)right up the chain tight and adjustment method.
    (5)the adjustment of brakes and brake ** on the proposed change,pay attention to rain,snow riding should increase the braking d**tance.
    (6)electric motors,controllers,batteries and maintenance of the correct method to use.
    (7)the correct charger,the safe use of the method.
    (8)gb/17761-1999 standards in appendix a(the standard in appendix)the technical parameters and performance indicators.
    second,the use of electric cars notes
    (a)must comply with operating requirements for electric bikes.
    (b)the design standards of electric vehicles for load 75kg,over 90kg when the load,the battery and motor will be damaged.
    (c)a long time the battery can not be shelved,shelved charge at least once a month.after cycling the battery d**charge must be kept fully charged,it will be a great impact on battery life,will cause serious end-of-life battery.
    (d)when the power ** exhausted,the system will automatically power off.however,after power off,battery and counter-dancing's"virtual"voltage(reactive power and voltage),then must be recharged after use,otherw**e it will create over d**charge the battery,which will damage the battery can not be repaired.
    (e)electric bicycle trip mileage continued 40-50km.the actual trip mileage continued use will be affected by many factors(such as frequent brake,start,road surfaces,the temperature ** too low,on steep slopes,wind speed and under-inflated tires,he**y load)the impact.
    (f)attention to the front of the d**play instrument.power to open,the electric vehicle can ride at a state,a red led power indicator light,while green,yellow led power indicator light,with power cycling,when the green light,yellow light ** off,that ** about to run out of battery power,at the moment electric ride should stop as soon as possible to the battery charge.
    (vii)pre-riding all the preparatory work must be ready to ensure ride safety.
    (1)get off the ground,sliding on and off ** prohibited in order to ensure the safety of users.
    (2)on the car before opening the power lock switch,and get off before the power lock-off switch.
    (3)adjusting the saddle and handlebar height,saddle attention may not be exposed r**er pipe and the safety line.
    (4)should be slow to speed up cycling.from 0-20km/h,acceleration time ** not less than 10s,in order to maintain smooth traffic.
    (5)to minimize the number of start.rapid economic growth of the car(the most power to speed)** generally 16-18km/h.
    (6)attention to the braking d**tance when the ride ** generally 4m,the rain increased to double the braking d**tance.
    (h)the horizontal pipe,the r**er of the tightened torque for the 16-18n.m.
    (i)saddle,saddle tightened torque tube fasteners for the 18-20n.m.
    (j)torque for fastening the rear 40-45n.m;front fastening torque for the 18-20n.m.
    (k)before the gate skin wheel should be parallel surface pressure,the level of cons**tency.** gates of the space and the wheel ** not than 3mm;brake tightness to grip the handle away from the gate to be able to check the appropriate 10mm.not the brake,the brake and the skin may not be any part of the wheel contact,gate ** obvious wear and tear should be replaced in time to **oid injury rim.
    (12)should be elastic spokes,chains grazing may not occur with the body.adjustment,adjustable rear and the central ax** of the d**tance from the chain up tight control in the 10-15mm.
    (xiii)the prohibition of lubricating rear.
    (xiv)to the appropriate tire pressure,caused by excessive deformation of aluminum circles;low crack caused by tire and inner tube bite;so that inner tube leakage.
    (15)in charge should pay attention to:
    (1)first,insert the battery charger output of the charging socket and then connect the power input ac 220v.
    (2)red charging indicator light on the charger that the normal charge.fully charged before the green indicator light,green light and then 1-3 hours for the best filling.
    (3)fin**hed first unplug the charger's ac power plug,then unplug and plug the battery connections.
    (4)does not prohibit the charging,the time will be empty charger connected to the ac power on.
    (5)can take to recharge the battery box can also be recharged in the vehicle directly.
    (6)if the box had to recharge the battery,charge the battery box back into the end,we h**e to lock up,the battery box to prevent power outages caused by the phenomenon of loosening.
    (7)directly in the vehicle when charging ** prohibited to open the power supply electric bicycle lock,to prevent burning charger.
    (8)charging the surrounding environment should be ventilation,no fire,be sure to use cons**tent with the configuration of the charger,the demolition of the battery box ** strictly prohibited without perm**sion.
    (9)charger work on a child to reach in order to **oid the r**k.
    (10)light using light to **oid shock release.
    (16)years and as far as possible to prevent the motor started,riding the best first human motor starting up again so as to **oid a zero start,the impact of too much current the battery,electrical and machinery life.
    (17)should ride on rainy days to prevent the controller and motor in water,caused by short circuit damage.
    (18)climbing,on the bridge,the wind speed and great battery-powered flow through the impact of motor and battery life,the best human-ass**ted riding at th** time.
    third,the electric bicycle maintenance
    (a)the maintenance of electrical and maintenance
    (1)vehicle ** sold prior to installation and comm**sioning to the best state,in use,please do not ...

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