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  • 秋茉 秋茉

    millions of passionate fans follow two ball
    sports,one the f**orite of americans and the other the f**orite of the
    world.each ** played on a large rectangular field and based on rules
    that evolved in the 19th century.“soccer ** a gentleman's game played
    by beasts.football ** a beastly game played by beasts,”opined henry
    blaha,a boston college football player,in 1972.indeed,soccer **
    merely a contact sport,one that girls and women h**e made stellar
    progress in as players.football meanwhile,a coll**ion sport,becomes
    at times genuinely violent.
    both sports feature two opposing squads of 11.
    soccer players form a single unit,while football players are assigned
    to offense,defense or special teams.a regulation football field ** 100
    yards long by 53 yards wide.a soccer field ** slightly larger,ranging
    from 100 to 130 yards long and 50 to 100 yards wide.football fields
    feature ma**ngs every 10 yards and hash marks for single yards,while
    soccer fields mark out a kickoff circle,a midfield line and two penalty
    areas.each sport features a playmaker,typically the quarterback in
    football and the central midfielder in soccer.offside rules in each
    sport require the team on offense to move down the field in rough
    un**on,employing clever tactics rather than cherry-picking to elude the
    defense.kickers and punters in football typically kick the ball using
    the laces of their shoes,soccer style.
    soccer play proceeds continuously through two
    45-minute halves,while football cons**ts of pauses of as long as 40
    seconds between each play in the game,which lasts for four 15-minute
    quarters.in soccer,only goalkeepers can legally use their hands to
    touch the ball.outdoor league soccer played under the rules of fifa,
    the international governing body of soccer,only permits three
    substitutes per game,while football allows unlimited substitutions
    during stoppages in play.tackles that are legal in american football
    would constitute a foul in soccer.soccer players wear jerseys,shorts,
    shinguards and cleats,while football players wear uniforms,helmets and
    shoulder pads.
    scoring in football requires the ball to break the
    plane of the end zone for a six-point touchdown or two-point
    conversion.the ball must go through the goalpost uprights for a kick to
    count as an extra point or three-point field goal.in soccer,the ball
    must fully cross the goal line between the goal uprights and under the
    cros**ar to count as a goal.soccer fans roughly equate a one-point
    soccer goal to a touchdown and extra point,such that a 4-2 soccer game
    translates into the same amount of offense as a 28-14 football game.
    as of 2011,the 208 member nations of fifa compete
    to qualify for the quadrennial world cup to determine the world
    champion of all national teams.club teams compete in regional cups to
    determine the best team in europe,africa,south america and other fifa
    regions.the american football champion ** determined in the super bowl,
    the annual february matchup of the champions of the nfc and afc,
    conferences with 16 teams each.all the players in the nfl are
    professionals,while world cup can include amateurs;new zealand's
    undefeated team in the 2010 world cup,for example,included amateurs
    and managed to tie italy's pros.
    difference between a soccer ball and a volleyball
    they both use the basic inflatable bladder
    wrapped with a leather or synthetic material construction,stitched or
    glued together.
    the iconic soccer ball design ** a 32 hexagon stitched pattern.
    the iconic volleyball design ** a 16 rectangle stitched pattern.
    sports h**e seen creative pattern designs in the last decade that
    break from tradition.i personally like the traditional patterns.
    each sport has very specific weight and size specifications.they are both similar in size but a volleyball ** much lighter.
    soccer(70cm and 450grams roughly)
    volleyball(67cm and 270grams roughly)
    materials used are quite similar,variations of leather or synthetic
    materials depending on the brand/manufacturer.a soccer ball and
    outdoor volleyball tend to h**e waterproof materials as opposed to
    an indoor volleyball.both sports balls may h**e one or internal
    layers wrapping the center bladder that provide for different shock
    absorption or weight d**tribution compared to those without.
    in review they are very similar in construction but the volleyball ** a little than half the weight of the soccer ball.

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