传说之下和平结局怎么达成 第5章第1节攻略


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    是古代希腊的著名的悲剧(恰恰是'史诗的诗歌'),英文名字是"the odyssey".homer写的,800-600 bc左右
    the odyssey(greek:ὀδύσσεια,ode**seia)** one of the two major ancient greek epic poems(the other being the iliad),attributed to the poet homer.the poem ** commonly dated to between 800 and 600 bc.the poem **,in part,a sequel to the iliad,and concerns the events that befall the greek hero odysseus in h** long journey back to h** native land ithaca after the fall of troy.
    it takes odysseus ten years to return to h** native land of ithaca after 10 years of war;during h** 20-year absence,h** son telemachus and h** wife penelope must deal with a group of unruly suitors who compete for penelope's hand in marriage,since it ** assumed that odysseus has died.
    the poem ** considered one of the foundational texts of the western canon and continues to be read in both homeric greek and translations around the world.while today's odyssey ** usually a printed text,the original poem was an oral composition sung by a trained bard,in an amalgamated ancient greek dialect,using a regular metrical pattern called dactylic hexameter.each of the 12,110 hexameter lines of the original greek cons**ts of six feet;each foot ** a dactyl or a spondee.among the most impressive elements of the text are its strikingly modern non-linear plot,and its elevation of the status of women and the lower classes.in the language as well as many others,the word odyssey has come to refer to an epic voyage.
    odysseus' main heroic trait ** h** mēt**,or"cunning intelligence;he ** often described as the"peer of zeus in council".th** cleverness ** most often manifested by odysseus' use of d**gu**e and deceptive speech.h** d**gu**es take forms both physical(altering h** appearance)and verbal,such as telling the cyclops polyphemus that h** name **"nobody",then escaping after blinding polyphemus(when queried by other cyclops about why he ** screaming,polyphemus replies that"nobody"** hurting him).
    the odyssey cons**ts of twenty-four books and begins,as do many ancient epics,in medias res,meaning that the action begins in the middle of the plot,and that prior events are described through flashbacks or storytelling.the first four books,known as the telemachy,trace telemachus' efforts to maintain control of the palace in the face of suitors who would h**e h** inheritance,and h** mother penelope's hand in marriage.failing that,athena encourages him to find h** father.in book 5,we find odysseus near the end of h** journey,a not entirely unwilling captive of the beautiful nymph calypso,with whom he has spent 7 of h** 10 lost years.released from her wiles by the intercession of h** patroness athena and her father zeus,he departs.h** raft ** destroyed by h** nemes** poseidon,who ** angry because odysseus blinded h** son,polyphemus.when odysseus washes up on scheria,home to the phaeacians,the naked stranger ** treated with traditional greek hospitality even before he reveals h** name.odysseus sat**fies the phaeacians' curiosity,telling them-and us-of all h** adventures since departing from troy.th** renowned,extended"flashback"leads him back to where he stands,h** tale told.the shipbuilding phaeacians finally loan him a ship to return to ithaca,where,home at last,he regains h** throne,reunites with h** son,metes out justice to the suitors,and reunites with h** faithful wife penelope.
    book i
    tell of the storm-tossed man,o muse,who wandered long after he sacked the sacred citadel of troy."with the invocation of the muse homer begins h** epic,though the hero himself ** still offstage.urged on by athena,the gods decide that odysseus has been marooned too long on the **land of the nymph calypso.athena also decides to pay a v**it to ithaca to see odysseus' son telemachus.
    book ii
    meanwhile,the mansion of odysseus ** infested with suitors for the hand of h** wife penelope.everyone assumes odysseus ** dead.encouraged by athena who arrives in the form of mentor,telemachus calls an assembly to ask for help.he breaks down and cries and ** pushed off the platform by athena.antinous mocks telemachus.he **sues an ultimatum to telemachus:"either you force your mother to marry a suitor,or we ruin your house."telemachus refuses to comply.zeus sends an omen of the suitors' doom.two eagles swoop down,tearing each other's throats and necks with their talons.the suitors mock halitherses,who makes the prophecy.afterwards,telemachus,accompanied by athena,sets sail for pylos to seek news of h** father.
    book iii
    telemachus arrives safely in pylos,where he ** welcomed with much pomp.nestor,the king of pylos,tells telemachus what he knows of the fates of the other achaean leaders:diomedes,idomeneus and most of the other kings arrived home safely,while agamemnon was piteously and treacherously murdered by h** wife and her lover.nestor gives telemachus an escort to assure a safe journey inland to sparta,where menelaus reigns.
    book iv
    menelaus tells what he learned of odysseus while stranded in egypt after the war.he was adv**ed by a goddess to d**gu**e himself and three members of h** crew in seal pelts and then pounce on the old man of the sea.if they could hold him down while he transformed himself into various animals and shapes,then he would send them on their homeward way and give news of their companions.menelaus did as instructed and was **rmed that odysseus was presently being held against h** will by the nymph calypso.
    book v
    zeus,the king of the gods,sends h** messenger hermes skimming over the w**es on magic sandals to calypso's **land.calypso prom**es odysseus immortality,but he refuses.at last all fails.though the nymph **n't happy about it,she agrees to let odysseus go.but the raft on which he sets sail ** destroyed by h** enemy,the god poseidon,who lashes the sea into a storm with h** trident.odysseus barely escapes with h** life and washes ashore days later,half-drowned.he staggers into an olive thicket and falls asleep.
    book vi
    odysseus wakes up to the sound of maidens laughing.princess nausicaa of the phaeacians has come down to the riverside to wash some clothes because athena came to her in a dream and instructed her to do so.now she and her handmaids are frolicking after the chore.odysseus approaches as a supplicant,and nausicaa ** kind enough to instruct him how to get the king's help in returning to h** home.
    book vii
    odysseus stops on the palace threshold,utterly dazzled.the very walls are covered in shining bronze and trimmed with lap** lazuli.the blacksmith god hephaestus has even provided two brazen hounds to guard the queen.odysseus puts h** case to her as a supplicant.the king knows better than to refuse hospitality to a decent petitioner.he invites odysseus to the banquet which ** in progress and prom**es him safe passage home after the king and h** guests h**e been suitably entertained.
    book viii
    the next day ** declared a holiday in honor of the guest,whose name the king still does not know.an athletic competition ** held,with foot races,wrestling and the d**cus.odysseus ** invited to join in but he declines the invitation,prompting a warrior named seareach to suggest that he lacks the skills.angered,he takes up a d**cus and throws it with such violence that everyone drops to the ground.that night at a banquet,as the court bard entertains with songs of the trojan war,odysseus ** heard sobbing."enough!shouts the king."our friend finds th** song d**pleasing.won't you tell us your name,stranger,and where you hail from?book ix
    my name ** odysseus of ithaca,and here ** my tale since setting out from troy.we destroyed a city called ísmaros,the domain of the kikones,first off,but then re**rcements arrived and we lost many comrades.next we v**ited the lotus eaters,and three of my crew tasted th** strange plant.they lost all desire to return home and had to be carried off by force.on another **land we investigated a c**e full of goat pens.the herdsman turned out to be as big as a barn,with a single glaring eye in h** forehead.th** cyclops promptly ate two of my men for dinner.we were trapped in the c**e by a boulder in the doorway that only the cyclops could budge,so we couldn't kill him while he slept.instead we sharpened a pole and used it to gouge out h** eye.we escaped by clinging to the undersides of h** goats.
    a humourous version of th** event ** portrayed in cyclops by euripides,the only complete satyr play to h**e survived.
    book x
    next we met the keeper of the winds,who sent us on our way with a steady breeze.he'd given me a leather bag,which my crew m**took for booty.they opened it and released a hurricane that blew us back to where we'd started.we ended up among the laestrygonians,giants who bombarded our fleet with boulders and gobbled down our shipmates.the few survivors put in at the **land of the enchantress circe.my men were entertained by her and then,with a w**e of her wand,turned into swine.hermes the god g**e me an herb,called moly,that protected me.circe told me that to get home i must tr**el to the land of death,then she g**e me specific instructions how to cross the oceanus and reach the entry to the underworld where two big rivers flow into acheron.
    book xi(also known as nekyia)
    we tr**eled to the underworld to hear from the blind prophet tiresias.there i saw the ghost of my mother,anticleia,as well as many of my fallen comrades who died before troy.finally i encountered the ghost of tiresias,who foretold the path i must tr**el to finally return to ithaca and make amends to poseidon.
    book xii
    at sea once we had to pass the sirens,whose sweet singing lures sailors to their doom.i had stopped up the ears of my crew with wax,and i alone l**tened while tied to the mast,powerless to steer toward shipwreck.next came charybd**,who swallows the sea in a whirlpool,then spits it up again.**oiding th** we skirted the cliff where scylla exacts her toll.each of her six sl**ering maws grabbed a ...

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