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    暗黑1中杀死diablo的英雄将diablo的灵魂之石插入了自己的脖颈,不想diablo借此夺取了该英雄的肉体得以复生成为了“dark wanderer”此人一举毁灭了暗黑1中的城镇tr**tram,将鉴定老头(decard cain)囚入牢笼,将gr**word变成诅咒怪物,杀死了装着假腿的小少年wirt(上述3人均为暗黑1中的**)。这时穿插剧情主线的人物marius出现,他虽是个小人物,但贯穿了剧情始终。dark wanderer毁灭了tr**tram之后前往东方,marius尾随前往,此行的目的是为了释放被沙漠中的巫师tal rasha囚禁的baal及其被囚禁在durance of hate(憎恨囚牢)中的meph**to。dark wanderer在tal rasha的墓穴中被大天使tyreal所阻,但marius却鬼使神差地拔掉了baal身上的soulstone,释放了baal。baal与dark wanderer协力击败并囚禁tyreal,marius则受tyreal的嘱托拿着soulstone逃离墓穴。dark wanderer继续东行前至东方圣地kurast并在durance of hate中找到了其兄长meph**to。在meph**to和tal rasha的合力之下,dark wanderer最终变身成为diablo,通过传送门前往其庇护所。而baal此时找到了marius,夺回其soulstone之后将其杀害,随即率部**野蛮人时代守护的harrogath,并试图接近arreat山峰以夺取worldstone。玩家所扮演的英雄角色一路追击dark wanderer(diablo),先后击败andariel,durial,释放tyreal,杀死diablo的兄长meph**to并砸碎其soulstone,继而杀死diablo,解了harrogath之围,在arreat山峰通过了古代人的考验,最终在worldstone大殿找到了baal并将其铲除。但玩家的每次成功似乎都晚了一步,最后一战亦然,worldstone还是被baal所玷污,tyreal无奈将其毁灭。每关动画对白,中英,转载
    t:so marius…at last i find you
    tyrael yes,yes,now i…now i recognize you
    i should h**e known you'd tr**el in d**gu**e
    there're…they're always watching!t:i've been searching for you for a long time,marius
    t:i was rather beginning to think you didn't want to be found
    oh forgive me,tyrael,please。it…it wasn't my fault。t:not your fault?tell me,marius,
    t:how was it,not your fault?the wanderer…yes,it was…
    was the wanderer…
    my days at the rouge citadel seemed so long ago
    i sought refuge from my memories in the company of other
    high in the mountains,past the eastern gate
    w:do you want something?(我睡得死死的)
    oh,i fought sleep for days at a time,for when i dreamt
    the memories would return…memories of the monastery…
    and the evil which had claimed it,dreams…memories
    i couldn't tell the difference anymore
    had the evil from my dreams followed at my heels?how had he found me here?how could th** broken shell of a man
    barely able to carry the weight of h** own sword
    be the burning terror
    which drove me to hide here?(吸引了大家注意一下后,酒客们又开始了他们自己的对话)
    he seemed to…to h**e demons of h** own that he struggled to
    and he was losing…
    as i watched,i…i become convinced that i was truly mad
    the terror,the destruction
    the…the evil i witnessed-how else could i explain them?(绿色的人影脱离了他的肉体)
    were these the dreams from my dream or
    were they born within the wanderer
    why did i follow him?i don't know
    why do things happen as they do in dreams?all i know ** that when he beckoned…i had to follow him…
    from that moment
    we tr**el together,east…always into the east…
    act ii
    we tr**eled east。over the mountains and into the vast deserts of
    broken lands
    as the days passed my companion told me of himself
    that he had once been a great warrior…
    and that a dark and secret burden,now weighed he**ily upon him
    we tr**eled for an etemity across that arid wasteland
    how long?i couldn't say…
    and always,a dark cloud seemed to follow us,just over the horizon
    finally,the journey ended,we climbed the last ridge
    there below us lay our destination:the shining jewel,lut gholein
    with the great sea beyound
    we made camp the last night。perhaps it was the warm desert wind
    or the sound of the ocean,but for the first time in many weeks,
    i slept,
    however,the dreams returned,but these were clearly not my own
    i beheld a v**ion of a great man,the mage,tal rasha
    you were there too,tyrael,i remember seeing you in my dream
    h** brethren had cornered a great demon:baal,lord of destruction
    who had been set loose upon the world
    they attempted to impr**on the demon within a sacred stone…
    yet,when their attempts failed
    tal rasha selflessly volunteered to contain the demon within
    himself,completing the pr**on
    he instructed h** brethren to bind him within a tomb,buried under
    the sand
    there to wrestle with to demon for all eternity
    d:now you know what i seek,marius
    d:th** ** my brother
    d:sleep now。we set out with the dawn
    the next morning,we walked over the hill,toward lut gholein…
    i had no idea then of the horrors that were in store for me there
    act iii
    my companion drew in the dank,cold air of the tomb.it seemed to…
    strengthen him.
    i stood in the doorway,between light and dark.
    what was left of my sanity implored me not to enter
    but the voice was just a wh**per now…
    as we worked our way down,deeper and deeper into the crypt
    i began to see a change in my companion,he seemed to be gaining
    i could hardly see in the gloom,but my companion seemed to know the way
    we came at last to a great hall
    it was then i realized my companion hadn't gaining strength
    he had been losing what was left of h** humanity
    he moved with demonic speed then…
    and then…and then you appeared
    t:stop!t:the beast contained harein shall not be set free!t:not even…by you
    b:look what they're done to me.release me!help me!(你挥动发着青光的剑跟他战斗着,我畏畏缩缩的走过木桥准备救他)
    b:hurry…please hurry!(拔起baal胸口的soulstone)
    t:no!don't do it!t:fool!t:you h**e just insured the doom of th** world
    t:you cannot even begin to imagine what you've set in motion th** day
    t:go to the temple of light in the eastern city of kurast
    t:there you will find the gate to hell opened before you
    t:you must find the courage to step through that gate,marius
    t:take the stone you hold to the hellforge,where it will be destroyed!t:now,run!take the stone and run!(当你丢开我的时候,我看到你被baal的尸巾缠住了手,并扯掉你手中的长剑)
    what choice did i h**e?i ran
    act iv
    m:i did as you told me,tyrael.i found the temple of the zakarum
    m:in the deepest recesses of the temple,i found a dark gathering
    m:my companion,the wanderer…tal rasha,and a great evil
    m:who could only be the lord of hatred himself-meph**to
    m:i heard a voice then…like a thousand needles in my heart
    meph**to:my brothers!at long last we stand reunited!the infernal gate has been prepared-
    and the time of our final victory ** at hand…
    let the way to hell be opened!(tal rasha手发红光,baal手现黄光,和meph**tol的蓝光聚集在一起)
    and the evil that was once vanqu**hed shall r**e anew!wrapped in
    the gu**e of man
    shall he walk amongst the innocent
    and terror shall consume they that dwell upon the earth
    the skies shall rain fire,and the sea will become blood
    the righteous shall fall before the wicked
    and all creation shall tremble before the burning
    standards of hell!what i saw then was not meant for mortal eyes…
    the gate stands ready!(dark wonderer开始变化)
    now my young brother,the time has come t assume your
    true form
    ar**e,diablo:lord of terror!you are the harbinger of our return,diablo!send forth your terror into hell!epilogue
    i heard later that he was defeated…
    that the soulstones were destoryed at hell forge…
    all except one…i falled tyrael,i couldn't do as you asked…
    i couldn't…enter that gate…forgive me,tyrael forgive me…
    t:marius…give me the stone,and all ** forgiven
    (m从领口拿出了藏在里面的soul stone)
    t:give it to me,marius
    take it,take it,take it.i'm glad th** ** finally over
    tyrael,look what the stone has done to me!(t拿起soulstone的瞬间,soulstone发出了黄色光芒)
    t:you h**en't failed,old man…you're done
    exactly as you were meant to do
    t:however…i am not the archangel tyrael
    (t拿起soul stone,发亮的soul stone照出了t的面容,浮现出baal的面孔)
    b:you h**e done well(这句话字幕没有,但是听得到,此后t改称baal(b))
    b:now i think you shall h**e your reward…
    what h**e i done to deserve th**?(baal伸出了手,杀死了marius)

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