

飞翔的自由 飞翔的自由
  • 外星灵魂 外星灵魂

    如果满意,请及时采纳,谢谢!17.they reveled until dawn.
    他们狂欢通宵达旦。18.until you h**e kids,until your kids le**e home;等你有了孩子或孩子长大离开家;19.until their feet quit kicking.
    20.farewell until we meet again!下次再见!21.heat the gelatine until d**solved.
    加热直到溶解。22.jack remained single until death.
    杰克一生未成家。23.yes,quite free until noon.
    有空,中午以前都有空。24.could you wait until tomorrow?能不能等到明天再说?25.beat the mixture until smooth.
    把这混合液搅均匀为止。26.we usually play until midnight.
    我们通常训练到半夜。27.wait until you seeafrica!等待直到你看到非洲吧!28.remain here until i return.
    留在这儿,直到我回来。29.until when will he stay?他要停留到什麽时候?30.we are open until eleven.
    我们营业至11时。31.our price are binding until.
    我方价格有效期至.月.日。32.held out until the last.
    33.he worked until/till midnight.
    他一直工作到午夜。34.we worked on until sunset.
    我们一直工作到太阳下山。35.gradually decreasing until little remains.
    逐渐变少直到只剩下一点点的。36.they talk on until midnight.
    他们继续谈话直到半夜。37.cindy:why wait until then?为什麽要等到那时候?38.i adv**e waiting until tomorrow.
    我建议等到明天。39.the designdragged on until may.
    设计一直拖到五月份。40.beat egg whites until stiff
    41.he stayed there until midnight.
    他在那里逗留到深夜。42.they talked on until midnight.
    他们一直谈到深夜。43.he read books until midnight.
    44.will never change until death
    45.delay delivery until further instructions.
    暂不发货,听侯指示。46.they will stay until friday.
    他们要呆到星期五。47.worn until no longer useful.
    破旧的无法再使用的。48.until the end of time.
    49.few people had,until recently.
    至今,很少有人思考过这个问题。50.he was not eliminated until the semifinals.
    直到半决赛他才给刷下来。51.storm clouds may gather and stars may collide,but i love you,until the end of time.—《moulin rouge》
    until after直到.之后
    17.with all,for instance,i do ask that you delayuntil afterinduction and sometimesafterconsolidation.
    而像all的患者,我会建议你推迟到到诱导期之后,有时到巩固期之后。18.i decided to delay the dec**ionuntil afteri put the details of the economic plan before the people and the congress.
    我决定推迟一下,直到我把经济发展计划的细节呈现在人民和国会面前后,才对这件事做决定。19.while your baby’s bones h**e mostly hardened by now,h** skull will remain pliableuntil afterbirth to allow him to fit through the birth canal.
    现在婴儿的骨骼几乎全部都硬化了,他的颅骨直到出生之后将仍保持柔韧,这让他适合通过产道。20.or in other words,before the first call ** made to the udf an object of the class ** created and keptuntil afterthe last call.
    或者,换句话说,在第一次调用udf之前,就创建该类的一个对象,并且一直保留到最后一次调用这个udf之后。21.i had forgotten ituntil afterh** death,when i began to search the depths of my memory for happy encounters and shared activities and experiences with him.
    直到他去世后我才想起了这件事,这是在为那些开心的交流以及与他分享的那些活动和经历时,我才开始搜寻我那些记忆深处的。22.fourth,there are no defect attributes that describe users' feelings,so developers can never know the customer sat**faction leveluntil afterrelease.
    第四,这里并没有描述用户感情的缺陷,因此开发者根本不知道顾客的满意水平,一直到发布以后。23.an experienced modeler may find th** **sue quickly,but others may not noticeuntil afterthe code ** generated.
    有经验的建模者可能会快速地找到这个问题,但其他人可能直到代码生成之后才注意到。24.people who thrive on stress tend to feel it as their natural state,making it difficult to d**cern stress symptomsuntil aftermuch of their stress ** alleviated.
    正在承受压力的人往往认为这是他们的自然状态,这样会让他们很难意识到压力的征兆,直到大部分压力都减轻之后才有所察觉。25.among h** many goals,was one goal that was not fulfilleduntil afterh** death?在他的许多目标中,有一个直到他去世之后才完成。with all,for instance,i do ask that you delayuntil afterinduction and sometimesafterconsolidation.
    而像all的患者,我会建议你推迟到到诱导期之后,有时到巩固期之后。i decided to delay the dec**ionuntil afteri put the details of the economic plan before the people and the congress.
    我决定推迟一下,直到我把经济发展计划的细节呈现在人民和国会面前后,才对这件事做决定。while your baby’s bones h**e mostly hardened by now,h** skull will remain pliableuntil afterbirth to allow him to fit through the birth canal.




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