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    westminster abbey ** the famous brit**h protestant churches,its h**tory and even london ** the epitome of brit**h h**tory.westminster abbey grand,spectacular,the united kingdom ** a masterpiece of gothic architecture,but also the h**tory of the united kingdom jicui land.
    westminster abbey,the predecessor of the monastery,the 13th century king henry iii was ordered by the gothic style church to carry out the conversion.1245 start for completion in 1517.church of the cross plane was th** type,chief 156 years,22 meters wide;large dome roof 31 meters high,68.5 meters high clock tower.church of the galleries grand solemn,tall towers tall and straight.halls decorated exqu**ite gorgeous,colorful glass windows.
    westminster abbey(westminster abbey)
    westminster cathedral of the original meaning ** the meaning of the western region.as the church in the western city of london,will h**e th** name.as early as the 8th century,the church will be here,but only in edward chan wang establ**hed the church,with th** extraordinary capacity to become the region.




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