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    只是 视觉 效果不好鬼步舞是墨尔本舞步或者墨尔本曳步舞的别称。它是来源于澳洲的一个舞种,舞者在重音乐鼓点的配合下跳舞。鬼步舞,对于一种相当厉害的滑步的赞称,一定要归类的话大概可以和c walk颇有渊源。这么说吧,鬼步舞算得上是cwalk科鬼步目的,是杂交品种。曳步舞类是此种舞步的必修课,想练习的话最好先把之前提到的几个练习好再说,不要直接上来就说“我要照着那个练”,如此一来的话反而容易走形或者费力,甚至受伤。正像当年安西教练对樱木花道的教导一样“你先把基本动作做好再说吧”。另还有一种释义。**的道教和日本的神道教中某些仪式的步法也叫做鬼步舞。步法很多,基本原理是对应想要做的仪式(最常见的就是除鬼),踩踏地面相应的位置,通常是各个“门”和一些比较特殊的点,也有时候需要踏线。这些步法有些可以追述到阴阳道,虽然韩国人对此和我们有争议(那是当然的),但是你知道这东西是从哪里来的对吧?不过也许现代的道士和神官们可以试试用那种迪厅舞步去驱魔
    墨尔本曳步舞英文全称是melbourne shuffle(dance),又曳步舞,拖步舞,滑步舞,超级滑步舞,一种拖着脚走的舞步,动作快速有力,和着电子音乐摇摆,舞蹈充满动感活力,极具现场感染力
    20世纪80年代兴起于澳洲墨尔本一些地下舞场,其个性的舞步加上强劲的音乐,极其吸引人眼光,由此逐渐流行开来;2002年12月,澳大利亚一家报纸在头版讲解了melbourne shuffle,这是shuffle首次出现在主流媒体。之后就流行到马来西亚和文莱,后传播到英国,德国,泰国等**,借助于因特网(internet)、网络媒体utube等在世界范围内流行开来
    硬派风格舞蹈(hsd:hard style dance)
    running man
    不失个性的舞步,加上强劲有力的音乐,可以轻易让观看者也感染到愉快的气氛,不自由主的随着强劲的音乐摇摆身躯。墨尔本曳步舞并没有指定的动作,舞者完全可以自由发挥,所以每个人都有自己的特色。有些舞者会在舞蹈中加入其他舞蹈的元素,创造出独一无二的编舞。第一次观看墨尔本曳步舞,发现舞者都非常注重脚步动作,舞者们随着音乐快速的又踢,又踩,又跳,又跺,展现充满活力的曳步舞,更会让第一次看到这种舞蹈的人啧啧称奇。墨尔本曳步舞也包含了身体整体性的控制,这种舞蹈至今发展出了一套全新的舞蹈风格,到目前还在不断的发展中。曳步舞注重脚步动作,所以在服装方面特别讲究裤子的部分。1992年,在海外其他地区舞蹈名字混乱,这年澳洲人开始将此舞蹈称呼为shuffle,名字被确定下来 2002年12月,澳大利亚一家报纸在头版讲解了melbourne shuffle,这是shuffle首次出现在主流媒体。之后就流行到马来西亚和文莱(在这两个**有shuffle比赛);2005年,出版有dvd专题纪录片,介绍墨尔本曳步舞 2006年,使其迅速提高声誉和知名度的媒体是utube视频网站 2008年9月6号,澳洲媒体network10报道shuffle这种硬派风格舞蹈(hsd:hard style dance)2008年11月"so you think you can shuffle"舞蹈秀在utube上展开 2009年"so you think you can shuffle"舞蹈秀粉丝聚会、比赛围绕在澳大利亚和德国等国展开.这是在 外国鬼部教学 的 文字教学 希望对大家有帮助,翻译如有遗漏请见谅。enjoy it!how to do the running man:a 10 step guide
    如何跳好running man:十项指导建议
    all you need to do ** read a few posts and watch a few videos and you'll see that almost all the
    people asking for help h**e the same problems with their technique.
    大家常常会通过阅读一些帖子和浏览视频来进行学习和交流,其中你将会发现几乎所有寻求帮助的人在技术上都有着相同的问题和疑惑。there ** no point trying to kick and spin and do other tricks when your running man still looks crap.
    th** ** like worrying about pancake flipping technique when you cant even make the batter.
    首先,在熟练掌握running man之前,看起来仍像是得瑟的时候就去尝试练习踢空、旋转或其他的技巧是没有意义的。就像是还不会和面就担心怎样去烙饼一样。what your aiming for ** to h**e a running man that looks co-ordinated and controlled.arms are very
    important in achieving th** so once you h**e your running man down(and the basic shuffle)you should work on your arm movements before you progress further.
    running man一定要做到“原地不动”和“受控制的”。要达到这样的效果手臂的动作是不可或缺的十分重要的,熟练的掌握了running man(还有shuffle的基本动作)之后,
    应该着重手臂的动作的练习,继而再做下一步的进展练习。remember:co-ordinated and controlled.
    here are some main things to look for:
    1.do both steps of the running man look like mirror images of each other?th** ** the most important thing.
    both steps should tr**el the same d**tance coming forward and backward.
    the angle that you ra**e your back foot should be the same as the angle that you lower it to the front
    in both steps,the knees should come up the same height.
    在两个步骤中,膝盖的应提到相同的高度。2.are your feet spaced properly?you can mix th** up as your progress but a good starting point ** a little wider than shoulder width
    and about the same d**tance forward and backwards.th** ** important for things such as dancing with
    a partner and dancing in a packed crowd.
    很重要的,可以使自己不占据过大的空间或是避免被阻挡。3.are you lifting your knees the right height?if you find yourself leaning forward and backwards like a chicken pecking at the ground your going too
    high.you can mix th** up once you get better but at the start try only lifting your foot 10-15cm off
    the ground.th** will make it easy for you to learn control because flying around the room with your
    legs going a million miles an hour looks stupid.
    3。膝盖是否抬到了正确的高度?如果你发现你的身体前倾和后仰像小孩在广场上窜跶一样(小时候应该都窜跶过,呵呵),那么你的膝盖抬的太高了。当你跳的很棒的时候这样也许是为了更有动感的效果(抽搐帝啊~),但是刚刚开始的时候脚抬起距地面10-15cm就够了。这样可以使你更容易学习控制,还有像小孩在屋子里飞速的窜跶来窜跶去看上去是比较脑残的。4.are you flicking your heels?make sure your feet are flat the whole time.you can mix th** up once you get the basics down but
    start by keeping your soles perfectly parallel to the ground.make sure your not lifting your heels
    as you ra**e your back foot.th** will also help with your balance.
    地面。当提起后面的脚的时候要保证不要动脚踝(通过弯膝盖来抬脚)。这样做也是益于身体的平衡。4.are you flicking your heels?make sure your feet are flat the whole time.you can mix th** up once you get the basics down but
    start by keeping your soles perfectly parallel to the ground.make sure your not lifting your heels
    as you ra**e your back foot.th** will also help with your balance.
    地面。当拉起后面的脚的时候要保证不要翘脚后跟(脚要保持平的)。这样做也益于身体的平衡。5.** your balance centered?th** ** pretty self explanatory but hardly anyone seems to get it.keep your center of gr**ity over
    the point where your legs are parallel between steps.you can change your center of gr**ity later
    when doing kicks and other tricks but to make your running man look controlled th** ** important.
    5。你的平衡集中稳定吗?这是应该是不言自明的,但是我发现几乎没有人做到了这一点。要保持重心在两步中双腿平行时身体的重心点上。在动作过渡的时候可以改变重心以期完美的完成动作,但是要做到running man是可控制的这一点是
    非常重要的。6.** your head up and your posture straight?how are you gonna catch the eye of the girl across the room when you're staring at the ground?it makes
    you look nervous and insecure if you stare at the ground during a conversation so why ** shuffling
    any different?keep your posture confident(but not tense!and cool with your head up and a smile on your face.th**
    will make you look like a better dancer faster than anything else.
    的看起来像是是个非常棒的舞者。7.are you trying to go too fast too soon?if your fumbling these steps up as you practice you need to slow it down until its perfect and then
    speed it up gradually.
    7。你是不是在尝试着更快更迅速些呢?如果你是在探索学习中,那么练习的时候你要放慢速度知道基本动作完美了,然后在逐渐的加快。8.in between the steps are your legs parallel?and also check that your foot ** flat.lots of people seem to pull their legs backwards which looks a
    bit off.your legs dont h**e to be touching,just parallel,between steps.
    8。在两步动作中双腿是否是平行的?同时也要注意脚是平的。大部分人似乎在向后拉腿的时候像是打架了。双腿不必接触,但是要平行。9.are your concentrating on your legs and letting your arms move themselves?if so you must stop immediantly.th** ties into point 6 about looking confident.your arms should be
    moving to the music and not too fast.your awareness should be in your upper body and in particular
    your arms.th** will make you look controlled and co-ordinated.practice till your legs move by
    不断的练习直到腿可以随意下意识的移动。10.are you practicing on different surfaces?make sure your running man ** versatile so you can rock it up in a club with a grippy floor if
    necessary.th** also applies to shoes;you should be able to ...




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