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    山根美智留(michiru yamane)—出生与1963年日本香川县,擅长钢琴,毕业于爱知県立芸术大学。她的音乐受约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫(j.s.bach)和莫里斯·拉威尔(maurice r**el)这两位**的影响。于1988年进入科乐美(konami)公司,担任游戏音乐作曲。最为大家所知的就是恶魔城(castlevania)的配乐了!恐怖、神秘、轻快、华丽、高贵的旋律都会让我们仿佛身临其境。也为幻想水浒传iii&iv(suikoden iii&iv)跟oz奥兹配乐。早期还为沙罗曼蛇、兵蜂、幻想水浒传、魂斗罗配乐。brief profile
    michiru yamane was introduced to konami with a string of collaborative projects for arcade,msx,and nintendo such as gradius ii gofer no yabou ep**ode ii,ganbare goemon 2,**age mutant ninja turtles:fall of the foot clan,detana!twinbee,trigon,crime fighters 2,and ast�rix.she subsequently familiar**ed herself with the mega drive on rocket knight adventures and contra:hard corps in time for her breakthrough project.
    yamane first scored for castlevania with 1994’s bloodlines.however,it was only with 1997’s diverse and technologically commanded castlevania:symphony of the night that she became synonymous with castlevania’s music and establ**hed a large fanbase.she subsequently explored her versatility with the action scores to gungage and the winning eleven series and rpg scores to elder gate,suikoden iii,suikoden iv,and oz.
    the success of symphony of the night resulted in yamane scoring most recent instalments to the series,namely lament of innocence,aria of sorrow,curse of darkness,dawn of sorrow,portrait of ruin,and order of ecclesia individual**ing each with new melodies and various innovations.she has also made small contributions to rumble roses,elebits,and beatmania iidx 14 gold in recent years.while her rpg scores h**e received critic**m,her castlevania scores are wonderfully received.




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