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    i don’t think so you don’t care you’d do her for the money say it’s fair you sue her for the money want your pot of gold need the midas touch bet you sell your soul cuz your god ** such you don’t care you kill for the money do or dare the thrill for the money are you infected with the same d**ease of lustmoney michael jackson lie for it spy for it kill for it die for it so you call it trust but i say it’s just in the devil’s game of greed and lust they don’t care they’d do me for the money they don’t care they use me for the money so you go to church read the holy word in the scheme of life it’s all absurd they don’t care they’d kill for the money do or dare the thrill for the money you’re saluting the flag your country trusts you now you’re wearing a badge you’re called the"just few"and you’re fighting the wars a soldier must do i’ll never betray or deceive you my friend but.anything anything anything for money would lie for you would die for you even sell my soul to the devil anything anything anything for money would lie for you would die for you even sell my soul to the devil insurance?where do your loyalties lie.cuz they’re the backstabbers if you know it’s a lie then you will swear it if you give it with guilt then you will bear it if it’s taking a chance then you will dare it you do anything for money.,gluttoney and greed?then watch the ones with the biggest smiles the idle jabbers.?** that your alibi.if you show me the cash then i will take it if you tell me to cry then i will fake it if you give me a hand then i will shake it you do anything for money




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