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    1、我需要列一个购物清单。i need to make a shopping l**t.
    2、我会把苹果加进清单上的。i will add apples to the l**t.
    3、我们的钱带够了吗?h**e we got enough money?4、你经常在网上购物吗?do you do a lot of your shopping online?do you often shop online?5、买单!check,please!你是要付现金还是刷卡?would you like to pay in cash or by credit card?6、如果我买一打的话,能打折吗?can i get a d**count if i buy a dozen of them?7、上海在哪里买衣服最好呢?where ** the best place to shop for clothes in shanghai?8、你会从报纸上剪下优惠券来买东西吗?will you cut coupons out from news**s to buy things?9、有时候我喜欢在淘宝网上淘便宜货。sometimes i like hunting a bargain at taobao.com .
    10.你可以在产品目录中挑选你喜欢的,然后在网上订购。you can choose/select what you like from the catalogue and then order online.
    if you are planning to take the path of the reseller in your internet business undertakings,you will do well to use these power tips i h**e laid out for you.i hope you will find them useful as they h**e been for me.
    [1]source for quality products at exclusive resell rights membership sites
    a good way to source for quality products with great demand ** to purchase a yearly(or even lifetime!access to membership websites dedicated to resale rights.these membership sites offer products such as e-books,software,templates,and audio/video with resell rights.
    you are adv**ed to look for membership sites which its webmaster regularly sources for such products,preferably either the webmaster does h** homework often or he has a good connection with other product creators that he usually has the product before the launch day,if not one of the first to get it.
    [2]do not purchase a product with resell rights if the product ** outdated
    chances are that the product ** either over-saturated on the internet,devalued over time or did not survive the test of time(especially true if the product contained a lot of time-sensitive **rmation).
    [3]**oid purchasing packaged products with resell rights that are so-called worth$2,500 but sells for$47
    in most cases,the bundled packages are really worth just that amount.if the product and its resell rights are too cheap to be true,th** ** often because either product ** already old(i personally consider over 2 years old as 'old'),over-saturated on the internet or devalued due to low prices offered by other resellers on the internet(as you can see,becoming a reseller ** tough competition!consider purchasing the product and its resell rights only if you want to give them away for free,give as a bonus,or bundle them into packages where you can add value and sell at a higher price.
    [4]choose quality products with resell rights that h**e limited competition
    preferably if the product ** rather new,you h**e a good chance of h**ing a head-start.also if the author sells to customers whom most of them do not h**e really great marketing power,th** can be your good chance as an internet business owner to leverage on your own connections,joint venture partner's efforts,and more.
    [5]choose quality products that h**e attractive back-end income opportunity
    choose product with resell rights that also give you an extra income opportunity to earn from the same customers.in the first three years of the resell rights mania,products with resell rights where created only to benefit their authors.now,things are different.like any other w**e resellers,choose to sell quality products that not only enable you to earn up-front income but also back-end income from the same customers.if possible,choose a product that allows you to earn recurring income from back-end sales.
    [6]be sure that the quality product with resell rights has a persuasive sales letter
    th** should be another deciding factor in choosing your product to resell for your own.if the sales letter ** not convincing,it won't sell no matter how good the product **.the best litmus test ** to read the sales letter yourself.if it does not persuade you,it won't persuade your customers,either.
    also be sure that the sales letter has quality testimonials as i tend to notice that most sales letters for resell right products don't h**e testimonials,which ** very r**ky on the part of the reseller.
    there,the power tips explained!when you make your first ten sales,send me twenty percent of your profits and a thank you note.you know the addres
    copyright(c)edmund loh
    edmund loh ** the author of e-biz wiz blog and starting an internet business special report with over 6 years of web designing experience before he engaged in internet marketing.go to http://www.ebizmodelsyoucancopy.com/ to find out how you can be in business in 3 days with your own top quality product that you don't h**e to create yourself plus an opportunity to earn recurring income.
    individual financing
    since the **suance of the dec**ion of the state council on the reform of the old-age insurance system for employees of enterpr**es,the reform of the old-age insurance system for employees of enterpr**es ** being enthusiastically carried out in each region and department concerned.some achievements h**e been made in such matters as expanding the coverage of insurance,instituting a system of payment of premiums by employees themselves,and conducting tests on combining the collection of insurance funds from society with that of individual accounts.the reform has played an important role in safeguarding the basic living standards of retired veteran cadres and retired workers of enterpr**es,maintaining the stability of society and promoting the development of the economy.but,as th** reform ** still in the exploratory stage,the current system of the old-age insurance for employees of enterpr**es cannot yet meet the requirements for the establ**hment of the social**t market economic system;thus,a deepening of reform ** required for the next step.pursuant to the spirit of the dec**ion of the central committee of the chinese commun**t party on matters concerning the establ**hment of the social**t market economic system,and to investigation,research and the opinion of the general public,a circular ** hereby **sued concerning matters of deepening the reform of the old-age insurance system for employees of enterpr**es:
    1.the aim of the reform of the old-age insurance system for employees of enterpr**es ** to,by the end of the century,basically establ**h an old-age insurance system which will meet the requirements of the social**t market economic system,which will apply to the employees of enterpr**es of all kinds and individual laborers in cities and towns,h**e multiple financial resources and categories of insurance,combine a collection of insurance funds from society with individual accounts,balance the rights with the obligations and adopt socialized management and service.basic old-age insurance shall gradually establ**h unified rules and unified standards for all kinds of enterpr**es and laborers,and management and regulation of the insurance funds shall be done in a centralized manner.
    2.the principle of deepening the reform of the old-age insurance system for employees of enterpr**es shall be to adapt the level of insurance to the development level of the social productive forces in our country as well as to the affordability of different sectors,combine the mutual ass**tance of society with individual insurance,and equality with efficiency,carry out unified policies and institute a legal system for management,and separate the admin**tration of insurance from the management of insurance funds.
    3.premiums for basic old-age insurance shall be paid by enterpr**es and individuals together,and an overall collection of insurance funds from society shall be combined with individual accounts.based on sorting out the d**tribution relations and speeding up the pace of paying individual income in the forms of salaries and wages and paying salaries and wages in the form of money,the proportion of payment by the individuals shall be gradually increased.the extent for such increases shall be determined by the people's **s of the provinces,autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central **,in the light of the increases in salaries and wages of employees and other circumstances in the respective regions.two measures for the implementation of combining an overall collection of insurance funds from society with individual accounts h**e been formulated to suit the different circumstances in the different regions.prefectures and municipalities(not including municipalities at the county level)shall make reports on their choice of them for the approval of the people's **s of the provinces and autonomous regions directly under the central **;for municipalities directly under the central **,its people's ** shall make such a choice,to be filed with the min**try of labor.each region may,in the light of its actual conditions,make modifications and supplementations to the two measures.
    4.each region shall institute a mechan**m for the normal adjustment of basic old-age pensions in order to safeguard the basic lifestyles of retired veteran cadres and retired workers of enterpr**es.basic old-age pensions may be adjusted in proportion to the increased rate of the last year's **erage wages and salaries of employees in the respective regions.the specific measures shall be formulated under the guidance of the state policies by the people's ** of the provinces,autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central **.
    5.in addition to instituting basic old-age insurance to safeguard the basic lifestyles of retired veteran cadres and retired workers,the state shall encourage the institution of supplementary old-age insurance programs in enterpr**es and individual old-age insurance programs in the form of s**ings accounts.after paying premiums for basic old-age insurance as...

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