旅行青蛙怎么获得三叶草 三叶草获取攻略


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    是美国田纳西那个castle gwynn吗?下面是详细介绍,英文,没问题吧!castle gwynn,arrington-triune,tn,a house built to look like a castle.built in 1973.it ** featured in taylor swift's music video"love story".
    castell gwynn ** the realization of mike freeman's dream,one begun in 1970 in a high school architecture class,in which he drew the first sketches of h** dream house.with the help of parents joe paul and bessie freeman,he establ**hed h** professional photography career and began h** search for the proper location for such a structure.just south of nashville,near the small town of triune,a landowner named john covington made it possible for the young dreamer to purchase a portion of h** land.
    the first tower was begun in 1980:five stories of which the first-floor kitchen ** the crowning glory.master mason kenneth canady worked two years molding the 14,000 bricks into 60 arches.tilemaker d**id wright highlighted h** feat with h** reproduction of the castle coat-of-arms.
    castell gwynn will be completed as a four-towered structure.finer points of the plans began to take shape when mike v**ited a twelfth-century border castle in wales.castell coche,or"red castle,"became the prototype of castell gwynn,or"white castle.
    the second tower,begun in 1985,boasts a focal point of castell gwynn:a second-floor great hall.under a 28' ceiling,a balcony with a minstrel gallery will lead into the area.the great hooded fireplace ** indiana limestone:14' tall x 6' wide x 3' deep.the mantel,resting at a height of 5 1/2 feet,** 7' thick and 6' long.fin**hed with a coat-of-arms,the fireplace will center a room with cut-stone ceiling arches.the third and fourth towers will feature guest suites,including a"honeymoon suite"with personal elevator and hot tub in a glass gazebo on the roof.




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