
肖战粉头 肖战粉头
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    clean away(v.+adv.)
    除去 remove(dirt,etc.)
    clean sth ⇔ away
    do you think we can clean away all these finger marks?你看我们能够把这些指痕统统去掉吗?clean down(v.+adv.)
    把…洗干净 wash out thoroughly
    clean sth ⇔ down
    he spent a whole afternoon cleaning the whole house down.他花了一整个下午,把屋子彻底打扫了一下。we were asked to clean down the walls when we left the house that we had been renting.离开租住的屋子时,主人要求我们把墙冲洗干净。i'm going to clean down the car th** afternoon.今天下午我要把车彻底清洗一下。i want you to clean down the top of that wooden table until i can eat my dinner off it.我要你把那张木头桌子的桌面擦洗干净,直到我能在桌面上吃饭为止。clean of(v.+prep.)
    把(斑点、污渍等)从(某物)上清除掉 wash(sth)clean of(marks,dirt,etc.)
    〔说明〕 clean of常不用于进行体。clean sth of sth
    can you clean the coat of these dirty marks?你能把这件外套上的污点洗掉吗?she felt that it was hopeless to try to clean her hand of the blood.她感到她双手上的血迹是洗不干净的。clean off(v.+adv.)
    除去 remove(dirt,especially surface dirt)
    〔说明〕 clean off不用于进行体。clean off
    i hope these black marks will clean off.我希望这些黑斑点能除掉。clean sth ⇔ off
    i hope i shall be able to clean off these black marks.我希望我能把这些黑斑点除掉。clean out(v.+adv.)
    1.把(某物)腾空,清除 empty,tidy,or clean(sth)
    clean sth ⇔ out
    he cleans out h** desk drawers every now and then.他过些时候就把书桌里的抽屉清理一下。clean out your desk.把你桌子内部清扫一下。2.打扫 make clean
    clean **/sth ⇔ out
    he cleaned out h** room.他打扫了房间。i need some to help in cleaning out the animal shelter.我需要有人帮助我把牲畜棚打扫一下。why don't you clean out your handbag?你为什么不把你的手提包收拾一下?3.肃清 eliminate
    clean **/sth ⇔ out
    the manager cleaned out inefficient personnel.厂长把低效率人员精简掉了。clean **/sth out of sth
    the new mayor prom**ed to clean the crooks out of the city **.新上任的市长答应肃清市**中的不良分子。用于be~ed结构
    inefficient personnel were cleaned out of the management.管理人员中办事效率不高的被清除了出去。4.〈非正〉使…失去钱财;使…耗尽资源 empty(a place)by robbing it(especially of money);le**e ** without money
    〔说明〕 clean out不用于进行体。clean **/sth ⇔ out
    we played cards and he cleaned me out.我们玩了纸牌,他把我的钱全赢光了。i've no s**ings now,buying the tv has cleaned me out.我现在一点存款也没有了,买电视机把我的钱花光了。she cleaned out her s**ings in a short time.她在短时间内把全部积蓄都花光了。the robbers cleaned the bank out,and got away with£100,000.强盗把银行洗劫一空,抢走了10万英镑。用于be~ed结构
    i'm cleaned out after last night's he**y spending.昨晚大手大脚地花钱,弄得我现在囊空如洗。another jeweler's was cleaned out of all its stock on saturday night.星期六晚上,又一家珠宝店被洗劫一空。5.离开 le**e(usually in a hurry)
    〔说明〕 clean out不用于进行体。clean out
    the thieves took the jewels and then cleaned out.那些贼拿了首饰,匆匆而去。clean up(v.+adv.)
    1.打扫;清理 free from a state of ruin
    clean up
    th** room needs cleaning up.这个房间需要打扫一下。as soon as i fin**h cleaning up,i'll join you.打扫完毕我就来。you should always clean up after a picnic.野餐后你们要收拾干净。clean up for sth
    boys and girls,clean up for dinner.孩子们,收拾干净准备开饭吧!clean sth ⇔ up
    let me clean up the broken glass before someone walks on it.我来把碎玻璃扫掉,以免有人踩上。they are cleaning up the house before moving in.他们在搬进去之前正在屋子里大扫除。he has cleaned up the room.他已经清扫了这屋子。it's your turn to clean up the bedroom.这回轮到你打扫卧室了。tell him to clean the table up.叫他把桌子收拾干净。he cleaned the ** and rubb**h up on the floor.他把地上的废纸和脏东西收拾干净。2.〈口〉赚钱,发财 make money
    〔说明〕 clean up通常不用于进行体。clean sth ⇔ up
    the brothers cleaned up a profit in the property market.那哥几个在房地产市场捞了一笔钱。they cleaned up a tidy sum by selling their tickets at a high price just before the concert.在音乐会开始之前,他们高价出售门票,赚了不少钱。clean up on sth
    the company cleaned up on its recent business arrangement.那家公司在最近的业务中赚了一笔钱。3.在…进行扫荡;消灭 eliminate remaining enemy res**tance from;eliminate(enemy forces,etc.)
    clean **/sth ⇔ up
    they fought br**ely to clean up the bandits.他们英勇作战以肃清土匪。they left a company behind to clean up the last enemy positions.他们留下一个连来清除敌人最后的几处阵地。4.痛打,击败 inflict a severe thrashing or dec**ive defeat on
    clean up on **
    the boxer cleaned up on h** opponent.那位拳击手击败了他的对手。far from welcoming critic**m,he did all he could to clean up on h** critics.他根本不欢迎批评,相反,总是千方百计打击批评他的人。5.对…作最后处理,结清 make final d**posal of,settle
    clean sth ⇔ up
    they clean up old debts.他们结清了旧债。they clean up pending cases.他们处理完了悬而未决的案件。6.整顿;实行改革 reform;introduce reforms
    clean sth ⇔ up
    the mayor tried to clean up the city,but to no **ail.criminal activities were still everywhere and the crime rate was still high.市长试图整顿那个城市,但未能奏效。犯罪活动仍很猖獗,犯罪率仍然很高。7.(给自己)洗脸〔洗手,洗澡〕 get(oneself)washed
    clean up
    wait for me.i h**e to clean up.等等我,我必须洗洗手。i'll h**e to clean up and change clothes before i go to that party.我必须洗个澡,换换衣服才去赴宴。when he cleaned up,we could hardly recognize him.他清洗一番后我们几乎认不出他了。clean oneself up
    just give me ten minutes to clean myself up;i'm covered in oil.我浑身沾满了油污,给我十分钟时间让我洗一下。

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