

Maggie. Maggie.
  • 般若 般若

    kindred spirits"** a fantasy novel set in the dragonlance universe.it was written by mark anthony and ellen porath,based on characters and settings from margaret we** and tracy hickman's dragonlance chronicles series.publ**hed in 1991,it ** the first volume of a six part series on how first met.
    plot summary
    the book narrates the first meeting between dwarven metalsmith,flint fireforge and a young tan** half-elven.while wo**ng and living in h** hometown of solace creating jewelry,flint receives a wondrous summons from the speaker of the sun,solostran who admires flint’s work.flint journeys to the fabled elven city of qualinost,where he spends every spring wo**ng on jewelry and projects for the speaker of the sun.foreigners are not allowed in qualenesti,therefore flint finds himself an outcast.there he meets tan**,a thoughtful youth born of a tragic union between elf and man.flint and tan**,each being a m**fit in their own ways,flint for being a dwarf and tan** for being of mixed race,find themselves unlikely friends.




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