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    sports and me
    nowadays,there are and people participating in sports regardless of their nationality,age and color.
    sports are good for our mental,physical and emotional development.the person who does sports frequently must be healthier than the one who doesn’t.what’s when we take part in sports with others,we can learn the importance of team work which ** necessary in our life and work.certainly,we can enjoy ourselves in sports and h**e a good mood,which ** vital to our mental healthy.we will not only get relaxed in sports but also can cultivate a lot of good qualities such as perseverance,loyalty,self-confidence and the strength.winning does not come easy,so we must work hard for it.when we win a game,we can get immediate gratification.when we experience ups and downs,we must stick to it.
    when it comes to me,i love sports very much especially table tenn**.winning ** not the goal and we can get much pleasure from it,when we play table tenn** with others.we can communicate with each other,so that we can know each other better and we will get friends.




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