想问一下 大家 steam上的地狱潜者 除了本体 还要买什么dlc


小杜叉 小杜叉
  • 曾到蝶舞溪 曾到蝶舞溪

    nvwa patches up the sky
    tousands years ago,the he**ens nvwa,who used the yellow soil to make clay children and g**e out the life to them.from then on,nvwa had created human beings.people had enjoyable life.
    however,there ** a bad thing happened.one day,god fire zhurong and god water gonggong had a fight.water gonggong had broken the pillar for sky was knocked down.half of the sky was fell down.the land h**e had lots of crevices and roads were leaked,the sea and fire flood on the earth.nvwa wanted to s**e the human beings.
    she decided to use the 'five-colours stone' to srepair the sky,than use feet of god torto**e to stand below the sky.the d**cover was nearly fin**hed,but she found that there **n't enough 'five-colours stone' for repairing.the shy was still not fin**hed yet.how could she do?nvwa ** forced to sacrifice for human's lifes,she used her body to repair the big hole.she tried several times,and finally fin**hed repairing.the sky and ground recovered to quiet.also,the 'five colours clouds had appeared.all the living things become nomal again.
    unfortunately,nvwa dead at that time.she became a legend.nowadays,everybody knows her.




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