

金山 金山
  • 旋风 旋风

    展开全部《my campus life》
    campus life ornament my path,it in my heart will always be good.
    campus life not only looks boring course,still h**e next class students of laughter and enenyuanyuan and knowledge heart!sometimes cat-and-dog,can skywarp,sometimes silence speechless,everything was quiet!if only dull course,it ** not our campus life,we are in the study ** growing,also in the growth of learning,the entertainment study,also in the study entertainment!th** ** our campus life!now,we still smile in the campus tree-lined road to walk,and the most happy moments.when we le**e the campus that moment comes,then let us looking at our path,i believe,we h**e to feelings.h**e no pride of wasting time,h**e a plenty of to the glorious future longings!i believe that the unforgettable campus life will become our best memories.
    《my campus life》—《我的校园生活》
    campus life ornament my path,it in my heart will always be good.
    校园生活点缀了我的人生之路,它在我心中永远是美好的。campus life not only looks boring course,still h**e next class students of laughter and enenyuanyuan and knowledge heart!sometimes cat-and-dog,can skywarp,sometimes silence speechless,everything was quiet!校园生活不仅仅只有看似枯燥的课程,还有下课时同学们的欢声笑语、恩恩怨怨以及求知的心!有时吵吵闹闹、能闹翻天,有时沉默无语、万籁俱寂!if only dull course,it ** not our campus life,we are in the study ** growing,also in the growth of learning,the entertainment study,also in the study entertainment!th** ** our campus life!如果仅仅只有枯燥的课程,那不是我们的校园生活,我们是在学习中成长着;也在成长中学习着;在娱乐中学习,也在学习中娱乐!这才是我们的校园生活!now,we still smile in the campus tree-lined road to walk,and the most happy moments.when we le**e the campus that moment comes,then let us looking at our path,i believe,we h**e to feelings.h**e no pride of wasting time,h**e a plenty of to the glorious future longings!i believe that the unforgettable campus life will become our best memories.




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